struct | DGtal::CSinglePassIteratorArchetype< T > |
| An archetype of SingePassIterator. More...
struct | DGtal::CBidirectionalIteratorArchetype< T > |
| An archetype of BidirectionalIterator. More...
struct | DGtal::CConstBidirectionalIteratorArchetype< T > |
| An archetype of ConstBidirectionalIterator. More...
struct | DGtal::CForwardIteratorArchetype< T > |
| An archetype of ForwardIterator. More...
class | DGtal::concepts::CDomainArchetype< TSpace > |
| Aim: The archetype of a class that represents a digital domain, i.e. a non mutable subset of points of the given digital space. More...
class | DGtal::concepts::CDigitalSetArchetype< TDomain > |
| Aim: The archetype of a container class for storing sets of digital points within some given domain. More...