DGtal  1.4.2
17 #pragma once
31 #if defined(HalfEdgeDataStructure_RECURSES)
32 #error Recursive header files inclusion detected in HalfEdgeDataStructure.h
33 #else // defined(HalfEdgeDataStructure_RECURSES)
35 #define HalfEdgeDataStructure_RECURSES
37 #if !defined HalfEdgeDataStructure_h
39 #define HalfEdgeDataStructure_h
42 // Inclusions
43 #include <iostream>
44 #include <array>
45 #include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
48 namespace DGtal
49 {
60  // class HalfEdgeDataStructure
83  {
84  public:
87  typedef std::size_t Size;
89  typedef std::size_t Index;
93  typedef Index VertexIndex;
95  typedef Index EdgeIndex;
97  typedef Index FaceIndex;
99  // Defines the invalid index.
100  // JOL: works with Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42), but does not work with gcc 4.8.4
101  //
102  // static constexpr Index const& INVALID_INDEX = boost::integer_traits<Index>::const_max;
103  //
104  // JOL: does NOT work with Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
105  // (undefined reference at link time).
106  // static constexpr Index const INVALID_INDEX = boost::integer_traits<Index>::const_max;
107  // static Index const INVALID_INDEX = boost::integer_traits<Index>::const_max;
108  // BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( Index, INVALID_INDEX = boost::integer_traits<Index>::const_max );
110  typedef std::vector<HalfEdgeIndex> HalfEdgeIndexRange;
111  typedef std::vector<VertexIndex> VertexIndexRange;
112  typedef std::vector<EdgeIndex> EdgeIndexRange;
113  typedef std::vector<FaceIndex> FaceIndexRange;
116  typedef std::pair<VertexIndex, VertexIndex> Arc;
117  // A map from an arc (a std::pair of VertexIndex's) to its
118  // half edge index (i.e. and offset into the 'halfedge' sequence).
119  typedef std::map< Arc, Index > Arc2Index;
120  // A map from an arc (a std::pair of VertexIndex's) to its face
121  // index.
122  typedef std::map< Arc, FaceIndex > Arc2FaceIndex;
126  struct Edge
127  {
131  VertexIndex& start() { return v[0]; }
132  const VertexIndex& start() const { return v[0]; }
134  VertexIndex& end() { return v[1]; }
135  const VertexIndex& end() const { return v[1]; }
138  {
139  v[0] = v[1] = -1;
140  }
142  {
143  if ( vi <= vj ) { v[0] = vi; v[1] = vj; }
144  else { v[0] = vj; v[1] = vi; }
145  }
146  bool operator<( const Edge& other ) const
147  {
148  return ( start() < other.start() )
149  || ( ( start() == other.start() ) && ( end() < other.end() ) );
150  }
151  };
154  struct Triangle
155  {
157  std::array<VertexIndex,3> v;
159  VertexIndex& i() { return v[0]; }
160  const VertexIndex& i() const { return v[0]; }
162  VertexIndex& j() { return v[1]; }
163  const VertexIndex& j() const { return v[1]; }
165  VertexIndex& k() { return v[2]; }
166  const VertexIndex& k() const { return v[2]; }
169  {
170  v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = -1;
171  }
173  {
174  v[0] = v0;
175  v[1] = v1;
176  v[2] = v2;
177  }
178  };
182  typedef std::vector<VertexIndex> PolygonalFace;
188  struct HalfEdge
189  {
208  {}
209  };
211  public:
231  ( const std::vector<Triangle>& triangles, std::vector< Edge >& edges_out )
232  {
233  typedef std::set< Edge > EdgeSet;
234  typedef std::set< VertexIndex > VertexIndexSet;
235  VertexIndexSet vertexSet;
236  EdgeSet edgeSet;
237  for( const Triangle& T : triangles )
238  {
239  edgeSet.insert( Edge( T.i(), T.j() ) );
240  edgeSet.insert( Edge( T.j(), T.k() ) );
241  edgeSet.insert( Edge( T.k(), T.i() ) );
242  vertexSet.insert( T.i() );
243  vertexSet.insert( T.j() );
244  vertexSet.insert( T.k() );
245  }
246  edges_out.resize( edgeSet.size() );
247  Size e = 0;
248  for ( const Edge& edge : edgeSet )
249  {
250  edges_out.at(e) = edge;
251  ++e;
252  }
253  return vertexSet.size();
254  }
272  ( const std::vector<PolygonalFace>& polygonal_faces, std::vector< Edge >& edges_out );
296  bool build( const Size num_vertices,
297  const std::vector<Triangle>& triangles,
298  const std::vector<Edge>& edges );
322  bool build( const Size num_vertices,
323  const std::vector<PolygonalFace>& polygonal_faces,
324  const std::vector<Edge>& edges );
334  bool build( const std::vector<Triangle>& triangles )
335  {
336  std::vector<Edge> edges;
337  const Size nbVtx = getUnorderedEdgesFromTriangles( triangles, edges );
338  return build( nbVtx, triangles, edges );
339  }
349  bool build( const std::vector<PolygonalFace>& polygonal_faces )
350  {
351  std::vector<Edge> edges;
352  const Size nbVtx = getUnorderedEdgesFromPolygonalFaces( polygonal_faces, edges );
353  return build( nbVtx, polygonal_faces, edges );
354  }
357  void clear()
358  {
359  myHalfEdges.clear();
360  myVertexHalfEdges.clear();
361  myFaceHalfEdges.clear();
362  myEdgeHalfEdges.clear();
363  myArc2Index.clear();
364  }
367  Size nbHalfEdges() const { return myHalfEdges.size(); }
370  Size nbVertices() const { return myVertexHalfEdges.size(); }
373  Size nbEdges() const { return myEdgeHalfEdges.size(); }
376  Size nbFaces() const { return myFaceHalfEdges.size(); }
379  long Euler() const
380  { return (long) nbVertices() - (long) nbEdges() + (long) nbFaces(); }
384  const HalfEdge& halfEdge( const Index i ) const { return myHalfEdges.at( i ); }
388  Arc arcFromHalfEdgeIndex( const Index i ) const
389  {
390  const HalfEdge& he = myHalfEdges[ i ];
391  return std::make_pair( myHalfEdges[ he.opposite ].toVertex, he.toVertex );
392  }
398  { return halfEdgeIndexFromArc( std::make_pair( i, j ) ); }
402  Index halfEdgeIndexFromArc( const Arc& arc ) const
403  {
404  auto result = myArc2Index.find( arc );
405  return ( result == myArc2Index.end() ) ? HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX : result->second;
406  }
419  { return findHalfEdgeIndexFromArc( std::make_pair( i, j ) ); }
430  Index findHalfEdgeIndexFromArc( const Arc& arc ) const
431  {
432  const Index s = halfEdgeIndexFromVertexIndex( arc.first );
433  Index i = s;
434  do {
435  const HalfEdge& he = myHalfEdges[ i ];
436  if ( he.toVertex == arc.second ) return i;
437  i = halfEdge( he.opposite ).next;
438  } while ( i != s );
440  }
445  { return myVertexHalfEdges[ vi ]; }
450  { return myFaceHalfEdges[ fi ]; }
455  { return myEdgeHalfEdges[ ei ]; }
459  void getNeighboringVertices( const VertexIndex vi, VertexIndexRange& result ) const
460  {
461  result.clear();
462  const Index start_hei = halfEdgeIndexFromVertexIndex( vi );
463  Index hei = start_hei;
464  do
465  {
466  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
467  result.push_back( he.toVertex );
468  hei = halfEdge( he.opposite ).next;
469  }
470  while ( hei != start_hei );
471  }
476  {
477  VertexIndexRange result;
478  getNeighboringVertices( vi, result );
479  return result;
480  }
484  Size nbNeighboringVertices( const Index vi ) const
485  {
486  Size nb = 0;
487  const Index start_hei = halfEdgeIndexFromVertexIndex( vi );
488  Index hei = start_hei;
489  do
490  {
491  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
492  nb++;
493  hei = halfEdge( he.opposite ).next;
494  }
495  while ( hei != start_hei );
496  return nb;
497  }
501  void getNeighboringFaces( const VertexIndex vi, FaceIndexRange& result ) const
502  {
503  result.clear();
504  const Index start_hei = halfEdgeIndexFromVertexIndex( vi );
505  Index hei = start_hei;
506  do
507  {
508  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
509  if( HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX != he.face ) result.push_back( he.face );
510  hei = halfEdge( he.opposite ).next;
511  }
512  while ( hei != start_hei );
513  }
518  {
519  FaceIndexRange result;
520  getNeighboringFaces( vi, result );
521  return result;
522  }
526  bool isVertexBoundary( const VertexIndex vi ) const
527  {
529  }
537  {
538  VertexIndexRange result;
539  // std::set< VertexIndex > result;
540  for( Index hei = 0; hei < myHalfEdges.size(); ++hei )
541  {
542  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
543  if( HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX == he.face )
544  result.push_back( he.toVertex );
545  }
546  return result;
547  }
552  std::vector< Index > boundaryHalfEdgeIndices() const
553  {
554  std::vector< Index > result;
555  for( Index hei = 0; hei < myHalfEdges.size(); ++hei )
556  {
557  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
558  if( HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX == he.face )
559  result.push_back( hei );
560  }
561  return result;
562  }
566  std::vector< Arc > boundaryArcs() const
567  {
568  std::vector< Arc > result;
569  for( Index hei = 0; hei < myHalfEdges.size(); ++hei )
570  {
571  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
572  if( HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX == he.face )
573  result.push_back( arcFromHalfEdgeIndex( hei ) );
574  }
575  return result;
576  }
580  Size nbSides( Index hei ) const
581  {
583  Size nb = 0;
584  const Index start = hei;
585  do {
586  hei = halfEdge( hei ).next;
587  nb++;
588  }
589  while ( hei != start );
590  return nb;
591  }
595  Size nbSidesOfFace( const FaceIndex f ) const
596  {
597  return nbSides( halfEdgeIndexFromFaceIndex( f ) );
598  }
603  {
604  VertexIndexRange result;
605  result.reserve( 3 );
607  const Index start = hei;
608  do {
609  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
610  result.push_back( he.toVertex );
611  hei = he.next;
612  }
613  while ( hei != start );
614  return result;
615  }
617  // -------------------- Modification services -------------------------
618  public:
628  bool isFlippable( const Index hei ) const
629  {
631  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
632  const Index hei2 = he.opposite;
633  const HalfEdge& he2 = halfEdge( hei2 );
634  // check if hei borders an infinite face.
635  if ( he.face == HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX ) return false;
636  // check if hei2 borders an infinite face.
637  if ( he2.face == HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX ) return false;
638  // Checks that he1 and he2 border a triangle.
639  if ( ( nbSides( hei ) != 3 ) || ( nbSides( hei2 ) != 3 ) ) return false;
640  // Checks that the two other vertices of the two surrounding
641  // triangles are not already neighbors
642  const VertexIndex v1 = halfEdge( he.next ).toVertex;
643  const VertexIndex v2 = halfEdge( he2.next ).toVertex;
644  const auto neighb_v1 = neighboringVertices( v1 );
645  const auto it_v2 = std::find( neighb_v1.cbegin(), neighb_v1.cend(), v2 );
646  return it_v2 == neighb_v1.cend();
647  }
664  void flip( const Index hei, bool update_arc2index = true )
665  {
666  const Index i1 = hei;
667  HalfEdge& he1 = myHalfEdges[ i1 ];
668  const Index i2 = he1.opposite;
669  HalfEdge& he2 = myHalfEdges[ i2 ];
670  const VertexIndex v2 = he1.toVertex;
671  const VertexIndex v1 = he2.toVertex;
672  const Index i1_next = he1.next;
673  const Index i2_next = he2.next;
674  HalfEdge& he1_next = myHalfEdges[ i1_next ];
675  HalfEdge& he2_next = myHalfEdges[ i2_next ];
676  const Index i1_next2 = he1_next.next;
677  const Index i2_next2 = he2_next.next;
678  myHalfEdges[ i1_next2 ].next = i2_next;
679  myHalfEdges[ i2_next2 ].next = i1_next;
680  he2_next.next = i1;
681  he1_next.next = i2;
682  he2_next.face = he1.face;
683  he1_next.face = he2.face;
684  he1.next = i1_next2;
685  he2.next = i2_next2;
686  he1.toVertex = he1_next.toVertex;
687  he2.toVertex = he2_next.toVertex;
688  // Reassign the mapping vertex v -> index of half edge starting from v
689  // (JOL): must check before reassign for boundary vertices.
690  if ( myVertexHalfEdges[ v1 ] == i1 ) myVertexHalfEdges[ v1 ] = i2_next;
691  if ( myVertexHalfEdges[ v2 ] == i2 ) myVertexHalfEdges[ v2 ] = i1_next;
692  // Reassign the mapping face f -> index of half edge contained in f
693  myFaceHalfEdges[ he1.face ] = i1;
694  myFaceHalfEdges[ he2.face ] = i2;
695  // No need to reassign edge... it has just changed of vertices
696  // but is still based on half-edges i1 and i2
697  // Now taking care of mapping (vertex,vertex) -> half-edge.
698  if ( update_arc2index )
699  {
700  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( v1, v2 ) );
701  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( v2, v1 ) );
702  const VertexIndex v2p = he1.toVertex;
703  const VertexIndex v1p = he2.toVertex;
704  myArc2Index[ Arc( v1p, v2p ) ] = i1;
705  myArc2Index[ Arc( v2p, v1p ) ] = i2;
706  }
707  }
727  VertexIndex split( const Index i, bool update_arc2index = true )
728  {
729  Index new_hei = myHalfEdges.size();
730  VertexIndex new_vtxi = myVertexHalfEdges.size();
731  EdgeIndex new_edgei = myEdgeHalfEdges.size();
732  FaceIndex new_facei = myFaceHalfEdges.size();
733  myHalfEdges.resize( new_hei + 6 );
734  myVertexHalfEdges.push_back( new_hei );
735  HalfEdge& hei = myHalfEdges[ i ];
736  HalfEdge& hei_next = myHalfEdges[ hei.next ];
737  Index j = hei.opposite;
738  HalfEdge& hej = myHalfEdges[ j ];
739  HalfEdge& hej_next = myHalfEdges[ hej.next ];
740  HalfEdge& he0 = myHalfEdges[ new_hei ];
741  HalfEdge& he1 = myHalfEdges[ new_hei + 1 ];
742  HalfEdge& he2 = myHalfEdges[ new_hei + 2 ];
743  HalfEdge& he3 = myHalfEdges[ new_hei + 3 ];
744  HalfEdge& he4 = myHalfEdges[ new_hei + 4 ];
745  HalfEdge& he5 = myHalfEdges[ new_hei + 5 ];
746  // HalfEdge = { toVertex, face, edge, opposite, next }
747  // Taking care of new half-edges
748  he0.toVertex = hei_next.toVertex;
749  he0.face = hei.face;
750  he0.edge = new_edgei;
751  he0.opposite = new_hei + 1;
752  he0.next = hei_next.next;
753  he1.toVertex = new_vtxi;
754  he1.face = new_facei;
755  he1.edge = new_edgei;
756  he1.opposite = new_hei;
757  he1.next = new_hei + 2;
758  he2.toVertex = hei.toVertex;
759  he2.face = new_facei;
760  he2.edge = new_edgei + 1;
761  he2.opposite = j;
762  he2.next = hei.next;
763  he3.toVertex = hej_next.toVertex;
764  he3.face = hej.face;
765  he3.edge = new_edgei + 2;
766  he3.opposite = new_hei + 4;
767  he3.next = hej_next.next;
768  he4.toVertex = new_vtxi;
769  he4.face = new_facei + 1;
770  he4.edge = new_edgei + 2;
771  he4.opposite = new_hei + 3;
772  he4.next = new_hei + 5;
773  he5.toVertex = hej.toVertex;
774  he5.face = new_facei + 1;
775  he5.edge = hei.edge;
776  he5.opposite = i;
777  he5.next = hej.next;
778  // Updating existing half-edges
779  hei.toVertex = new_vtxi;
780  hei.opposite = new_hei + 5;
781  hei.next = new_hei;
782  hej.toVertex = new_vtxi;
783  hej.edge = new_edgei + 1;
784  hej.opposite = new_hei + 2;
785  hej.next = new_hei + 3;
786  hei_next.face = new_facei;
787  hei_next.next = new_hei + 1;
788  hej_next.face = new_facei + 1;
789  hej_next.next = new_hei + 4;
790  // Updating other arrays
791  myEdgeHalfEdges.push_back( new_hei );
792  myEdgeHalfEdges.push_back( j );
793  myEdgeHalfEdges.push_back( new_hei + 3 );
794  myFaceHalfEdges.push_back( new_hei + 1 );
795  myFaceHalfEdges.push_back( new_hei + 4 );
796  myFaceHalfEdges[ hei.face ] = i;
797  myFaceHalfEdges[ hej.face ] = j;
798  myEdgeHalfEdges[ hei.edge ] = i;
799  if ( update_arc2index )
800  {
801  const VertexIndex vi = he5.toVertex;
802  const VertexIndex vk = hei_next.toVertex;
803  const VertexIndex vj = he2.toVertex;
804  const VertexIndex vl = hej_next.toVertex;
805  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( vi, vj ) );
806  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( vj, vi ) );
807  myArc2Index[ Arc( vi, new_vtxi ) ] = i;
808  myArc2Index[ Arc( new_vtxi, vi ) ] = new_hei + 5;
809  myArc2Index[ Arc( vj, new_vtxi ) ] = j;
810  myArc2Index[ Arc( new_vtxi, vj ) ] = new_hei + 2;
811  myArc2Index[ Arc( vk, new_vtxi ) ] = new_hei + 1;
812  myArc2Index[ Arc( new_vtxi, vk ) ] = new_hei;
813  myArc2Index[ Arc( vl, new_vtxi ) ] = new_hei + 4;
814  myArc2Index[ Arc( new_vtxi, vl ) ] = new_hei + 3;
815  }
816  return new_vtxi;
817  }
827  bool isMergeable( const Index hei ) const {
829  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( hei );
830  const Index hei2 = he.opposite;
831  const HalfEdge& he2 = halfEdge( hei2 );
832  // check if hei borders an infinite face.
833  if ( ( he.face == HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX )
834  || ( he2.face == HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX ) )
835  return false;
836  // Checks that he1 and he2 border a triangle.
837  if ( ( nbSides( hei ) != 3 ) || ( nbSides( hei2 ) != 3) )
838  return false;
839  // Checks that no vertices around lie on the boundary.
840  return ( ! isVertexBoundary( he.toVertex ) )
841  && ( ! isVertexBoundary( he2.toVertex ) )
842  && ( ! isVertexBoundary( halfEdge( he.next ).toVertex ) )
843  && ( ! isVertexBoundary( halfEdge( he2.next ).toVertex ) );
844  }
865  VertexIndex merge( const Index hei, bool update_arc2index = true ) {
866  const Index i1 = hei; // arc (v1,v2)
867  const HalfEdge& he1 = halfEdge( i1 );
868  const Index i1n = he1.next;
869  const HalfEdge& he1n = halfEdge( i1n );
870  const Index i1nn = he1n.next;
871  const Index i2 = he1.opposite; // arc (v2,v1)
872  const HalfEdge& he2 = halfEdge( i2 );
873  const Index i2n = he2.next;
874  const HalfEdge& he2n = halfEdge( i2n );
875  const Index i2nn = he2n.next;
876  const Index iext1nn = halfEdge( i1nn ).opposite;
877  const Index iext1n = halfEdge( i1n ).opposite;
878  const Index iext2nn = halfEdge( i2nn ).opposite;
879  const Index iext2n = halfEdge( i2n ).opposite;
880  const VertexIndex v1 = he2.toVertex;
881  // Storing v2 the deleted vertex.
882  const VertexIndex v2 = he1.toVertex;
883  const VertexIndex v3 = he1n.toVertex;
884  const VertexIndex v4 = he2n.toVertex;
885  // Storing deleted face indices f1 and f2
886  const FaceIndex f1 = he1.face;
887  const FaceIndex f2 = he2.face;
888  // Storing deleted edge indices (v1,v2), (v2,v3) and (v2,v3').
889  const EdgeIndex e1 = he1.edge;
890  const EdgeIndex e2 = he1n.edge;
891  const EdgeIndex e3 = halfEdge( i2nn ).edge;
892  const EdgeIndex ev13 = halfEdge( iext1nn ).edge;
893  const EdgeIndex ev14 = halfEdge( iext2n ).edge;
894  // For debug
895  auto nbV1 = nbNeighboringVertices( v1 );
896  auto nbV2 = nbNeighboringVertices( v2 );
897  auto nbV3 = nbNeighboringVertices( v3 );
898  auto nbV4 = nbNeighboringVertices( v4 );
899  // Changes toVertex field of half-edges pointing to v2
900  std::vector<VertexIndex> outer_v; // stores vertices around v2
901  std::vector<Index> inner_he; // stores half-edges from v2
902  std::vector<Index> outer_he; // stores half-edges toward v2
903  Index i = i1n;
904  do {
905  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( i );
906  const Index iopp = he.opposite;
907  outer_v. push_back( he.toVertex );
908  inner_he.push_back( i );
909  outer_he.push_back( iopp );
910  HalfEdge& heopp = myHalfEdges[ iopp ];
911  ASSERT( heopp.toVertex == v2 );
912  heopp.toVertex = v1;
913  i = heopp.next;
914  } while ( i != i1n ); // i2 precedes i1n around the vertex v2.
915  // std::cout << "#outer_v=" << outer_v.size() << std::endl;
916  // Gluing arcs around the two triangles
917  // std::cout << "Gluing arcs around the two triangles" << std::endl;
918  myHalfEdges[ iext1nn ].opposite = iext1n;
919  myHalfEdges[ iext1n ].opposite = iext1nn;
920  myHalfEdges[ iext2nn ].opposite = iext2n;
921  myHalfEdges[ iext2n ].opposite = iext2nn;
922  // Changing edges of merged edges
923  // std::cout << "Changing edges of merged edges" << std::endl;
924  myHalfEdges[ iext1n ].edge = ev13;
925  myHalfEdges[ iext2nn ].edge = ev14;
926  // Taking care of look-up tables.
927  // (1) myVertexHalfEdges
928  // std::cout << "(1) myVertexHalfEdges" << std::endl;
929  myVertexHalfEdges[ v1 ] = iext1nn;
930  if ( myVertexHalfEdges[ v3 ] == i1nn )
931  myVertexHalfEdges[ v3 ] = iext1n;
932  if ( myVertexHalfEdges[ v4 ] == i2nn )
933  myVertexHalfEdges[ v4 ] = iext2n;
934  // (2) myFaceHalfEdges -> nothing to do.
935  // (3) myEdgeHalfEdges
936  // std::cout << "(3) myEdgeHalfEdges" << std::endl;
937  myEdgeHalfEdges[ ev13 ] = iext1nn;
938  myEdgeHalfEdges[ ev14 ] = iext2n;
939  // (4) myArc2Index only if asked
940  if ( update_arc2index ) {
941  for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < outer_v.size(); ++j ) {
942  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( v2, outer_v[ j ] ) );
943  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( outer_v[ j ], v2 ) );
944  }
945  for ( std::size_t j = 1; j < ( outer_v.size() - 2 ); ++j ) {
946  myArc2Index[ Arc( v1, outer_v[ j ] ) ] = inner_he[ j ];
947  myArc2Index[ Arc( outer_v[ j ], v1 ) ] = outer_he[ j ];
948  }
949  myArc2Index[ Arc( v3, v1 ) ] = iext1n;
950  myArc2Index[ Arc( v1, v4 ) ] = iext2nn;
951  }
952  // Debug
953  auto new_nbV1 = nbNeighboringVertices( v1 );
954  auto new_nbV3 = nbNeighboringVertices( v3 );
955  auto new_nbV4 = nbNeighboringVertices( v4 );
956  if ( ( new_nbV1 != nbV1+nbV2-4 )
957  || ( new_nbV3 != nbV3 -1 )
958  || ( new_nbV4 != nbV4 -1 ) )
959  trace.warning() << "Invalid nb of neighbors: "
960  << " nbV1=" << nbV1
961  << " nbV2=" << nbV2
962  << " nbV3=" << nbV3
963  << " nbV4=" << nbV4 << std::endl
964  << " new_nbV1=" << new_nbV1
965  << " new_nbV3=" << new_nbV3
966  << " new_nbV4=" << new_nbV4 << std::endl;
968  // Renumbering of 1 vertex, 3 edges, 2 faces, 6 half-edges
969  renumberVertex( v2, update_arc2index );
970  std::array< EdgeIndex, 3 > E = { e1, e2, e3 };
971  std::sort( E.begin(), E.end(), std::greater<EdgeIndex>() );
972  for ( Index e : E ) {
973  renumberEdge( e );
974  }
975  std::array< FaceIndex, 2 > F = { f1, f2 };
976  std::sort( F.begin(), F.end(), std::greater<FaceIndex>() );
977  for ( Index f : F ) {
978  renumberFace( f );
979  }
980  std::array< Index, 6 > T = { i1, i1n, i1nn, i2, i2n, i2nn };
981  std::sort( T.begin(), T.end(), std::greater<Index>() );
982  for ( Index t : T ) {
983  renumberHalfEdge( t );
984  }
985  return v1;
986  }
988  // ------------------------ protected services -------------------------
989  protected:
994  void renumberVertex( const VertexIndex vi, bool update_arc2index = true ) {
995  // Vertex j becomes vertex i
996  const VertexIndex vj = nbVertices() - 1;
997  if ( vi != vj ) {
998  const Index j = myVertexHalfEdges[ vj ];
999  Index k = j;
1000  // Turns around vertex vj to modify toVertex fields.
1001  do {
1002  const HalfEdge& hek = halfEdge( k );
1003  const Index kopp = hek.opposite;
1004  HalfEdge& hekopp = myHalfEdges[ kopp ];
1005  ASSERT( hekopp.toVertex == vj );
1006  hekopp.toVertex = vi;
1007  if ( update_arc2index ) {
1008  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( vj, hek.toVertex ) );
1009  myArc2Index.erase( Arc( hek.toVertex, vj ) );
1010  myArc2Index[ Arc( vi, hek.toVertex ) ] = k;
1011  myArc2Index[ Arc( hek.toVertex, vi ) ] = kopp;
1012  }
1013  k = hekopp.next;
1014  } while ( k != j );
1015  myVertexHalfEdges[ vi ] = j;
1016  }
1017  myVertexHalfEdges.pop_back();
1018  }
1023  void renumberEdge( const EdgeIndex ei ) {
1024  const EdgeIndex ej = nbEdges() - 1;
1025  if ( ei != ej ) {
1026  const Index j = myEdgeHalfEdges[ ej ];
1027  HalfEdge& hej = myHalfEdges[ j ];
1028  const Index jopp = hej.opposite;
1029  HalfEdge& hejopp = myHalfEdges[ jopp ];
1030  ASSERT( hej.edge == ej );
1031  ASSERT( hejopp.edge == ej );
1032  hej.edge = ei;
1033  hejopp.edge = ei;
1034  myEdgeHalfEdges[ ei ] = j;
1035  }
1036  myEdgeHalfEdges.pop_back();
1037  }
1042  void renumberFace( const FaceIndex fi ) {
1043  const FaceIndex fj = nbFaces() - 1;
1044  if ( fi != fj ) {
1045  const Index j = myFaceHalfEdges[ fj ];
1046  Index k = j;
1047  do {
1048  HalfEdge& hek = myHalfEdges[ k ];
1049  ASSERT( hek.face == fj );
1050  hek.face = fi;
1051  k = hek.next;
1052  } while ( k != j );
1053  myFaceHalfEdges[ fi ] = j;
1054  }
1055  myFaceHalfEdges.pop_back();
1056  }
1061  void renumberHalfEdge( const Index i, bool update_arc2index = true ) {
1062  const Index j = nbHalfEdges() - 1;
1063  if ( i != j ) {
1064  // std::cout << "renumberHalfEdge j=" << j << std::endl;
1065  const HalfEdge& hej = halfEdge( j );
1066  const Index jopp = hej.opposite;
1067  // std::cout << "renumberHalfEdge jopp=" << jopp << std::endl;
1068  HalfEdge& hejopp = myHalfEdges[ jopp ];
1069  const VertexIndex vj = hejopp.toVertex; // hej corresponds to (vj,vk)
1070  const VertexIndex vk = hej.toVertex; // hejopp corresponds to (vk,vj)
1071  // Update opposite and previous
1072  Index k = hej.next;
1073  while ( halfEdge( k ).next != j ) k = halfEdge( k ).next;
1074  myHalfEdges[ k ].next = i;
1075  hejopp.opposite = i;
1076  // Take care of look-up tables
1077  // std::cout << "myVertexHalfEdges[" << vj << "]" << std::endl;
1078  if ( myVertexHalfEdges[ vj ] == j )
1079  myVertexHalfEdges[ vj ] = i;
1080  // std::cout << "myEdgeHalfEdges[" << hej.edge << "]" << std::endl;
1081  if ( myEdgeHalfEdges[ hej.edge ] == j )
1082  myEdgeHalfEdges[ hej.edge ] = i;
1083  // std::cout << "myFaceHalfEdges[" << hej.face << "]" << std::endl;
1084  if ( myFaceHalfEdges[ hej.face ] == j )
1085  myFaceHalfEdges[ hej.face ] = i;
1086  // std::cout << "myArc2Index[" << vj << "," << vk << "]" << std::endl;
1087  if ( update_arc2index ) {
1088  myArc2Index[ Arc( vj, vk ) ] = i;
1089  }
1090  // Copy last half-edge into i-th half-edge.
1091  myHalfEdges[ i ] = hej;
1092  }
1093  myHalfEdges.pop_back();
1094  }
1096  // ------------------------- consistency services --------------------
1097  public:
1109  bool isValid( bool check_arc2index = true ) const
1110  {
1111  bool ok = true;
1112  // Checks that indices are within range
1113  for ( Index i = 0; i < nbHalfEdges(); i++ )
1114  {
1115  const HalfEdge& he = myHalfEdges[ i ];
1116  if ( he.next >= nbHalfEdges() ) {
1117  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1118  << "half-edge " << i
1119  << " has invalid next half-edge " << he.next
1120  << std::endl;
1121  ok = false;
1122  }
1123  if ( he.opposite >= nbHalfEdges() ) {
1124  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1125  << "half-edge " << i
1126  << " has invalid opposite half-edge " << he.opposite
1127  << std::endl;
1128  ok = false;
1129  }
1130  if ( he.toVertex >= nbVertices() ) {
1131  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1132  << "half-edge " << i
1133  << " has invalid toVertex " << he.toVertex
1134  << std::endl;
1135  ok = false;
1136  }
1137  if ( he.face >= nbFaces() && he.face != HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX ) {
1138  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1139  << "half-edge " << i
1140  << " has invalid face " << he.face
1141  << std::endl;
1142  ok = false;
1143  }
1144  }
1145  // Checks that opposite are correct
1146  for ( Index i = 0; i < nbHalfEdges(); i++ )
1147  {
1148  const Index j = myHalfEdges[ i ].opposite;
1149  if ( j == HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX ) {
1150  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1151  << "half-edge " << i << " has invalid opposite half-edge." << std::endl;
1152  ok = false;
1153  }
1154  if ( myHalfEdges[ j ].opposite != i ) {
1155  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1156  << "half-edge " << i << " has opposite half-edge " << j
1157  << " but the latter has opposite half-edge " << myHalfEdges[ j ].opposite << std::endl;
1158  ok = false;
1159  }
1160  const VertexIndex vi = myHalfEdges[ i ].toVertex;
1161  const VertexIndex vj = myHalfEdges[ j ].toVertex;
1162  if ( vi == vj ) {
1163  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1164  << "half-edge " << i << " and its opposite half-edge " << j
1165  << " have the same toVertex " << vi << std::endl;
1166  ok = false;
1167  }
1168  if ( vi >= nbVertices() ) {
1169  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1170  << "half-edge " << i
1171  << " points to an invalid vertex " << vi << std::endl;
1172  ok = false;
1173  }
1174  if ( vj >= nbVertices() ) {
1175  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1176  << "opposite half-edge " << j
1177  << " points to an invalid vertex " << vj << std::endl;
1178  ok = false;
1179  }
1180  }
1181  // Checks that vertices have a correct starting half-edge.
1182  for ( VertexIndex i = 0; i < nbVertices(); i++ )
1183  {
1184  const Index j = myVertexHalfEdges[ i ];
1185  const Index jopp = myHalfEdges[ j ].opposite;
1186  const VertexIndex ip = myHalfEdges[ jopp ].toVertex;
1187  if ( ip != i ) {
1188  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1189  << "vertex " << i << " is associated to half-edge " << j
1190  << " but its opposite half-edge " << jopp << " points to vertex " << ip << std::endl;
1191  ok = false;
1192  }
1193  }
1194  // Checks that faces have a correct bordering half-edge.
1195  for ( FaceIndex f = 0; f < nbFaces(); f++ )
1196  {
1197  const Index i = myFaceHalfEdges[ f ];
1198  if ( myHalfEdges[ i ].face != f ) {
1199  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1200  << "face " << f << " is associated to half-edge " << i
1201  << " but its associated face is " << myHalfEdges[ i ].face << std::endl;
1202  ok = false;
1203  }
1204  }
1205  // Checks that following next half-edges turns around the same face.
1206  for ( FaceIndex f = 0; f < nbFaces(); f++ )
1207  {
1208  Index i = myFaceHalfEdges[ f ];
1209  const Index start = i;
1210  do {
1211  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( i );
1212  if ( he.face != f ) {
1213  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1214  << "when turning around face " << f << ", half-edge " << i
1215  << " is associated to face " << he.face << std::endl;
1216  ok = false;
1217  }
1218  i = he.next;
1219  }
1220  while ( i != start );
1221  }
1222  // Checks that turning around a vertex gives half-edges associated to this vertex.
1223  for ( VertexIndex v = 0; v < nbVertices(); v++ )
1224  {
1225  const Index s = halfEdgeIndexFromVertexIndex( v );
1226  Index i = s;
1227  do
1228  {
1229  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( i );
1230  const VertexIndex w = halfEdge( he.opposite ).toVertex;
1231  if ( v != w ) {
1232  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1233  << "when turning around vertex " << v << ", some opposite half-edge "
1234  << he.opposite << " points to " << w << std::endl;
1235  ok = false;
1236  }
1237  i = halfEdge( he.opposite ).next;
1238  }
1239  while ( i != s );
1240  }
1242  // Checks that boundary vertices have specific associated half-edges.
1244  for ( VertexIndex i : bdryV ) {
1245  const Index j = myVertexHalfEdges[ i ];
1246  if ( halfEdge( j ).face != HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX ) {
1247  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1248  << "boundary vertex " << i << " is associated to the half-edge " << j
1249  << " that does not lie on the boundary but on face " << halfEdge( j ).face
1250  << std::endl;
1251  ok = false;
1252  }
1253  }
1255  // Checks that that we can find arcs.
1256  for ( Index i = 0; i < nbHalfEdges(); i++ ) {
1257  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( i );
1258  const VertexIndex v2 = he.toVertex;
1259  const VertexIndex v1 = halfEdge( he.opposite ).toVertex;
1260  const Index j = findHalfEdgeIndexFromArc( v1, v2 );
1261  const HalfEdge& he2 = halfEdge( j );
1262  if ( he2.toVertex != v2 ) {
1263  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1264  << "arc (" << v1 << "," << v2 << ") was found to be half-edge " << j
1265  << " but it should be half-edge " << i << std::endl;
1266  ok = false;
1267  }
1268  }
1270  // Checks that edges have two correct associated half-edges.
1271  for ( EdgeIndex ei = 0; ei < nbEdges(); ei++ ) {
1272  const Index i = myEdgeHalfEdges[ ei ];
1273  const HalfEdge& hei = halfEdge( i );
1274  const Index j = hei.opposite;
1275  const HalfEdge& hej = halfEdge( j );
1276  if ( hei.edge != ei ) {
1277  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1278  << "edge " << ei << " is associated to half-edge " << i
1279  << " but its edge is " << hei.edge << std::endl;
1280  ok = false;
1281  }
1282  if ( hej.edge != ei ) {
1283  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1284  << "edge " << ei << " is associated to half-edge " << i
1285  << " of opposite half-edge " << j
1286  << " but its edge is " << hej.edge << std::endl;
1287  ok = false;
1288  }
1289  }
1291  // Checks that arcs have a correct associated half-edge.
1292  if ( check_arc2index )
1293  {
1294  for ( auto arc2idx : myArc2Index )
1295  {
1296  const VertexIndex v1 = arc2idx.first.first;
1297  const VertexIndex v2 = arc2idx.first.second;
1298  const Index i = arc2idx.second;
1299  if ( myHalfEdges[ i ].toVertex != v2 ) {
1300  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1301  << "arc (" << v1 << "," << v2 << ") is associated to half-edge " << i
1302  << " but it points to vertex " << myHalfEdges[ i ].toVertex << std::endl;
1303  ok = false;
1304  }
1305  const Index i2 = myHalfEdges[ i ].opposite;
1306  if ( myHalfEdges[ i2 ].toVertex != v1 ) {
1307  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValid] "
1308  << "arc (" << v1 << "," << v2 << ") is associated to half-edge " << i
1309  << " but its opposite half-edge " << i2 << " points to vertex " << myHalfEdges[ i2 ].toVertex
1310  << std::endl;
1311  ok = false;
1312  }
1313  }
1314  }
1315  return ok;
1316  }
1323  {
1324  bool ok = true;
1325  // Checks that indices are within range
1326  // Checks that following next half-edges turns around the same face.
1327  for ( FaceIndex f = 0; f < nbFaces(); f++ )
1328  {
1329  Index i = myFaceHalfEdges[ f ];
1330  const Index start = i;
1331  int nbv = 0;
1332  std::set<VertexIndex> V;
1333  std::set<EdgeIndex> E;
1334  do {
1335  const HalfEdge& he = halfEdge( i );
1336  if ( he.face != f ) {
1337  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValidTriangulation] "
1338  << "when turning around face " << f
1339  << ", half-edge " << i
1340  << " is associated to face " << he.face
1341  << std::endl;
1342  ok = false;
1343  }
1344  V.insert( he.toVertex );
1345  E.insert( he.edge );
1346  nbv++;
1347  i = he.next;
1348  }
1349  while ( i != start );
1350  if ( nbv != 3 ) {
1351  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValidTriangulation] "
1352  << "when turning around face " << f
1353  << ", we had to visit " << nbv
1354  << " half-edges to loop (instead of 3)" << std::endl;
1355  ok = false;
1356  }
1357  if ( V.size() != 3 ) {
1358  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValidTriangulation] "
1359  << "when turning around face " << f
1360  << ", the set of vertices has not a size 3:";
1361  for ( auto v : V ) trace.warning() << " " << v;
1362  trace.warning() << std::endl;
1363  ok = false;
1364  }
1365  if ( E.size() != 3 ) {
1366  trace.warning() << "[HalfEdgeDataStructure::isValidTriangulation] "
1367  << "when turning around face " << f
1368  << ", the set of edges has not a size 3:";
1369  for ( auto e : E ) trace.warning() << " " << e;
1370  trace.warning() << std::endl;
1371  ok = false;
1372  }
1373  }
1374  return ok;
1375  }
1376  protected:
1379  std::vector< HalfEdge > myHalfEdges;
1383  std::vector< Index > myVertexHalfEdges;
1387  std::vector< Index > myFaceHalfEdges;
1391  std::vector< Index > myEdgeHalfEdges;
1396  // ----------------------- Interface --------------------------------------
1397  public:
1403  void selfDisplay ( std::ostream & out ) const;
1405  // ------------------------- Protected Datas ------------------------------
1406  private:
1407  // ------------------------- Private Datas --------------------------------
1408  private:
1409  // ------------------------- Hidden services ------------------------------
1410  protected:
1412  static
1414  VertexIndex vi, VertexIndex vj )
1415  {
1416  ASSERT( !de2fi.empty() );
1418  Arc2FaceIndex::const_iterator it = de2fi.find( Arc( vi, vj ) );
1419  // If no such directed edge exists, then there's no such face in the mesh.
1420  // The edge must be a boundary edge.
1421  // In this case, the reverse orientation edge must have a face.
1422  if( it == de2fi.end() )
1423  {
1424  ASSERT( de2fi.find( Arc( vj, vi ) ) != de2fi.end() );
1426  }
1427  return it->second;
1428  }
1430  }; // end of class HalfEdgeDataStructure
1439  std::ostream&
1440  operator<< ( std::ostream & out, const HalfEdgeDataStructure & object );
1442 } // namespace DGtal
1446 // Includes inline functions.
1447 #include "DGtal/topology/HalfEdgeDataStructure.ih"
1449 // //
1452 #endif // !defined HalfEdgeDataStructure_h
1454 #undef HalfEdgeDataStructure_RECURSES
1455 #endif // else defined(HalfEdgeDataStructure_RECURSES)
Aim: This class represents an half-edge data structure, which is a structure for representing the top...
std::vector< VertexIndex > VertexIndexRange
Index HalfEdgeIndex
The type used for numbering half-edges (alias)
Arc2Index myArc2Index
The mapping between arcs to their half-edge index.
bool build(const std::vector< PolygonalFace > &polygonal_faces)
Index halfEdgeIndexFromFaceIndex(const FaceIndex fi) const
Index halfEdgeIndexFromEdgeIndex(const EdgeIndex ei) const
void clear()
Clears the data structure.
const HalfEdge & halfEdge(const Index i) const
void selfDisplay(std::ostream &out) const
FaceIndexRange neighboringFaces(const VertexIndex vi) const
VertexIndex split(const Index i, bool update_arc2index=true)
Index findHalfEdgeIndexFromArc(const VertexIndex i, const VertexIndex j) const
static Size getUnorderedEdgesFromPolygonalFaces(const std::vector< PolygonalFace > &polygonal_faces, std::vector< Edge > &edges_out)
std::vector< VertexIndex > PolygonalFace
std::map< Arc, FaceIndex > Arc2FaceIndex
bool isMergeable(const Index hei) const
void renumberFace(const FaceIndex fi)
void renumberEdge(const EdgeIndex ei)
static Size getUnorderedEdgesFromTriangles(const std::vector< Triangle > &triangles, std::vector< Edge > &edges_out)
void getNeighboringFaces(const VertexIndex vi, FaceIndexRange &result) const
std::vector< Arc > boundaryArcs() const
Index FaceIndex
The type for numbering faces.
static FaceIndex arc2FaceIndex(const Arc2FaceIndex &de2fi, VertexIndex vi, VertexIndex vj)
void renumberVertex(const VertexIndex vi, bool update_arc2index=true)
bool isValid(bool check_arc2index=true) const
std::vector< Index > myVertexHalfEdges
VertexIndexRange verticesOfFace(const FaceIndex f) const
Arc arcFromHalfEdgeIndex(const Index i) const
Index EdgeIndex
The type for numbering edges.
Index findHalfEdgeIndexFromArc(const Arc &arc) const
std::vector< HalfEdgeIndex > HalfEdgeIndexRange
bool isFlippable(const Index hei) const
std::size_t Index
The type used for numbering half-edges (an offset an the half-edges structure).
VertexIndexRange neighboringVertices(const VertexIndex vi) const
bool isVertexBoundary(const VertexIndex vi) const
Index VertexIndex
The type for numbering vertices.
std::vector< FaceIndex > FaceIndexRange
Size nbSidesOfFace(const FaceIndex f) const
std::vector< HalfEdge > myHalfEdges
Stores all the half-edges.
bool build(const Size num_vertices, const std::vector< PolygonalFace > &polygonal_faces, const std::vector< Edge > &edges)
bool build(const std::vector< Triangle > &triangles)
std::size_t Size
The type for counting elements.
VertexIndexRange boundaryVertices() const
void renumberHalfEdge(const Index i, bool update_arc2index=true)
std::vector< Index > boundaryHalfEdgeIndices() const
Default constructor. The data structure is empty.
void flip(const Index hei, bool update_arc2index=true)
std::vector< EdgeIndex > EdgeIndexRange
std::pair< VertexIndex, VertexIndex > Arc
An arc is a directed edge from a first vertex to a second vertex.
Index halfEdgeIndexFromArc(const Arc &arc) const
VertexIndex merge(const Index hei, bool update_arc2index=true)
Index halfEdgeIndexFromArc(const VertexIndex i, const VertexIndex j) const
Index halfEdgeIndexFromVertexIndex(const VertexIndex vi) const
Size nbNeighboringVertices(const Index vi) const
bool build(const Size num_vertices, const std::vector< Triangle > &triangles, const std::vector< Edge > &edges)
std::map< Arc, Index > Arc2Index
void getNeighboringVertices(const VertexIndex vi, VertexIndexRange &result) const
std::ostream & warning()
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
static std::size_t const HALF_EDGE_INVALID_INDEX
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ATu0v1< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra > &object)
Trace trace
Definition: Common.h:153
Edge(VertexIndex vi, VertexIndex vj)
bool operator<(const Edge &other) const
Index next
Index into the halfedges array.
Default constructor. The half-edge is invalid.
EdgeIndex edge
Index into the edges array.
VertexIndex toVertex
The end vertex of this half-edge as an index into the vertex array.
Index opposite
Index into the halfedges array.
FaceIndex face
Index into the face array.
Represents an unoriented triangle as three vertices.
Triangle(VertexIndex v0, VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2)
std::array< VertexIndex, 3 > v
The three vertex indices.
int max(int a, int b)
HalfEdgeDataStructure::Edge Edge