DGtal  1.4.2

Computes the number of lattice points within random polytopes in two different ways: (1) by simple range scanning and inside test, (2) by computing intersections along an axis.

Second method is much faster (from 5x to easily 100x).

# 10 polytopes made from 10 points in range [-50:50]^4
./examples/geometry/volumes/exampleBoundedLatticePolytopeCount4D 10 10 50


New Block [Compute 4D polytopes]
EndBlock [Compute 4D polytopes] (1.68596 ms)
Computed 10 4D polytopes with 32.7 facets on average, in 1.68596 ms.
New Block [Compute number of lattice points within polytope (slow)]
EndBlock [Compute number of lattice points within polytope (slow)] (8301.91 ms)
New Block [Compute number of lattice points within polytope (fast)]
EndBlock [Compute number of lattice points within polytope (fast)] (597.177 ms)
Computed inside points is OK
Reference method computed 29885333 points in 8301.91 ms.
Fast method computed 29885333 points in 597.177 ms.
#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/ConvexityHelper.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/BoundedLatticePolytope.h"
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
int N = argc > 1 ? atoi( argv[ 1 ] ) : 10; // nb of polytopes
int nb = argc > 2 ? atoi( argv[ 2 ] ) : 10; // nb points per polytope
int R = argc > 3 ? atoi( argv[ 3 ] ) : 50; // max diameter of shape
typedef int64_t Integer;
typedef Helper::LatticePolytope Polytope;
// Compute all polytopes
DGtal::trace.beginBlock( "Compute 4D polytopes" );
std::vector< Polytope > polytopes;
int sum_nb_facets = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
std::vector< Point > V;
for ( int i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) {
Point p( rand() % (2*R+1) - R, rand() % (2*R+1) - R,
rand() % (2*R+1) - R, rand() % (2*R+1) - R );
V.push_back( p );
Polytope P = Helper::computeLatticePolytope( V );
sum_nb_facets += P.nbHalfSpaces();
polytopes.push_back( P );
double t1 = DGtal::trace.endBlock();
DGtal::trace.info() << "Computed " << N
<< " 4D polytopes with " << ( sum_nb_facets / (double) N )
<< " facets on average, in " << t1 << " ms." << std::endl;
// Count interior points (slow method)
DGtal::trace.beginBlock( "Compute number of lattice points within polytope (slow)" );
std::size_t slow_nb = 0;
std::vector< Integer > slow_counts;
for ( const auto& P : polytopes )
const auto nb = P.countByScanning();
slow_nb += nb;
slow_counts.push_back( nb );
double t2 = DGtal::trace.endBlock();
// Count interior points (fast method)
DGtal::trace.beginBlock( "Compute number of lattice points within polytope (fast)" );
std::size_t fast_nb = 0;
std::vector< Integer > fast_counts;
for ( const auto& P : polytopes )
const auto nb = P.count();
fast_nb += nb;
fast_counts.push_back( nb );
double t3 = DGtal::trace.endBlock();
bool ok = std::equal( slow_counts.cbegin(), slow_counts.cend(), fast_counts.cbegin() );
DGtal::trace.info() << "Computed inside points is " << ( ok ? "OK" : "ERROR" ) << std::endl;
DGtal::trace.info() << "Reference method computed " << slow_nb
<< " points in " << t2 << " ms." << std::endl;
DGtal::trace.info() << "Fast method computed " << fast_nb
<< " points in " << t3 << " ms." << std::endl;
return 0;
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
std::ostream & info()
double endBlock()
boost::int64_t int64_t
signed 94-bit integer.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:74
Trace trace
Definition: Common.h:153
Aim: Provides a set of functions to facilitate the computation of convex hulls and polytopes,...
int main(int argc, char **argv)
MyPointD Point
Definition: testClone2.cpp:383