DGtalTools  1.3.beta

Generate the Curvature Scale Space image using a binomial convolver based estimator.

The x axis is associated to the contour point and the y axis to the scale. The colors represent the curvature values included between the cutoff values (set to 10 by default).

Usage: curvatureScaleSpaceBCC –input <filename> –output <filename>

Allowed options are :

1 TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Input FreemanChain file name
2 TEXT REQUIRED Set the output name
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-i,--input TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Input FreemanChain file name
-o,--output TEXT REQUIRED Set the output name
--gridStepInit FLOAT=1 Grid step initial
--gridStepIncrement FLOAT=1 Grid step increment
--gridStepFinal FLOAT=1 Grid step final
-c,--curvatureCutOff FLOAT=10 set the curvature limits to better display


$ curvatureScaleSpaceBCC ${DGtal}/examples/samples/contourS.fc --gridStepInit 0.001 --gridStepIncrement 0.0005 --gridStepFinal 0.1 -o cssResu.ppm

You should obtain such a result:

Resulting visualization.
See also