Converters | |
Estimators | |
Generators | |
Image processing | |
Image restoration and inpainting with Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional | |
Visualization | |
Volumetric | |
convertVol | Converts volumetric file into volumetric file from different formats (pgm3d, vol, longvol). This tool can also be used to upgrade a Version-2 Vol or Longvol file to the new (compressed) Version-3 |
dicom2vol | Converts dicom file into a volumetric file (.vol, .longvol .pgm3d) |
freeman2img | Transforms one or several freeman chains into a pgm file by filling their interior areas |
freeman2sdp | Transform freeman chain into a Sequence of Discrete Points. Result is given to std output |
HDF52vol | Converts a 3D 8-bit HDF5 file to vol |
heightfield2shading | Renders a 2D heightfield image into a shading image |
heightfield2vol | Converts a 2D heightfield image into a volumetric file |
img2freeman | Extracts Freeman chains from thresholded image |
imgAddNoise | Adds noise (Kanungo's) to a binary 2D object |
itk2vol | Converts itk file into a volumetric file (.vol, .pgm3d) |
longvol2vol | Converts a longvol (long int) to a vol file (unsigned char) |
mesh2heightfield | Converts a mesh file into a projected 2D image given from a normal direction N and from a starting point P |
mesh2vol | Convert a mesh file into a 26-separated or 6-separated voxelization in a given resolution grid |
ofs2off | Convert OFS file into OFF mesh format |
raw2HDF5 | Converts a 3D 8-bit raw file to HDF5 |
raw2vol | Converts a 8-bit raw file to vol |
sdp2vol | Converts digital set of points into a volumic file |
slice2vol | Converts set of 2D images into volumetric file (pgm3d, vol, longvol) |
vol2heightfield | Converts volumetric file into a projected 2D image given from a normal direction N and from a starting point P |
vol2obj | Converts any volumetric file to an OBJ one. Each grid point with value between [thresholdMin,thresholdMax] is exported as a unit cube |
vol2raw | Converts a vol to a 8-bit raw file |
vol2sdp | Extracts digital points from 3d vol files |
vol2slice | Convert a volumetric file (.vol, .longvol, .pgm3d) into a set of 2D slice images |
vol2vox | Converts a vol file to a MagicaVoxel VOX file ( |
volBoundary2obj | Export the boundary of a volume file to OBJ format. By default the resulting mesh is defined from the surfels of the surface elements, a triangulated (dual) |
vox2vol | Converts a MagicaVoxel VOX file ( to a vol file |
2dCompImage | Compare images and displays differences (squared and absolute differences) |
3DCompSurfelData | Computes generic scalar surfel data comparisons (squared error) (given from an input data file and from a reference one) |
3DCurvatureViewer | Computes and visualizes mean or gaussian curvature of binary shapes |
3DCurvatureViewerNoise | Same as 3DCurvatureViewer, but allows to add some noise to objects |
3dCurveViewer | Displays a 3D curve given as the input filename (with possibly projections and/or tangent information) by using QGLviewer |
3dDisplaySurfelData | Displays surfel data from SDP file with color attributes given as scalar interpreted as color |
3dHeightMapViewer | Displays 2D image as heightmap by using QGLviewer |
3dImageViewer | Displays volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer |
3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorBy4DExtension | Computes the zero level set of the given polynomial |
3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorByThickening | Computes the zero level set of the given polynomial |
3DSDPViewer | Displays a sequence of 3d discrete points by using QGLviewer |
3dVolBoundaryViewer | Display the boundary of a volume file by using QGLviewer |
3dVolViewer | Displays volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer |
displayContours | Displays discrete contours |
meshViewer | Displays OFF mesh file by using QGLviewer |
patternTriangulation | Draws the Delaunay triangulation of a pattern using DGtal library |
sliceViewer | Displays volume file with slice image by using QT and QGLviewer |
volscope | Volumetric file visualization using polyscope |
2dLocalEstimators | Compares local estimators on implicit shapes using DGtal library |
3dCurveTangentEstimator | This program estimates the tangent vector to a set of 3D integer points, which are supposed to approximate a 3D curve |
3dLocalEstimators | Compares local estimators on implicit shapes using DGtal library |
curvatureBC | Estimatates curvature using a binomial convolver |
curvatureMCMS | Estimates curvature using length of most centered segment computers |
curvatureScaleSpaceBCC | Generate the Curvature Scale Space image using a binomial convolver based estimator |
eulerCharacteristic | Computes the Euleur Characteristic of a vol to a 8-bit raw file |
generic3dNormalEstimators | Computes a normal vector field over a digitized 3D implicit surface for several estimators |
lengthEstimators | Generates multigrid length estimations of paramteric shapes using DGtal library |
statisticsEstimators | Computes satistics (L1, L2, Loo) from results of two estimators |
tangentBC | Estimates tangent using a binomial convolver |
vol2normalField | Generates normal vector field from a vol file using DGtal library |
volSurfaceRegularization | Regularize a cubical complex into a smooth quadrangulated complex |
2dSimplePolygonDigitizer | Compute the Gauss Digitization of a simple closed polyline (no hole or self-intersection) |
3dParametricCurveDigitizer | Digitizes 3D parametric curves using DGtal library |
contourGenerator | Generates multigrid contours of 2d digital shapes using DGtal library |
shapeGenerator | Generates shapes using DGtal library |
3dVolMarchingCubes | Outputs the isosurface of the input volume as an OFF file |
criticalKernelsThinning3D | Applies an criticalKernels thinning algorithm of a 3d image file (vol,longvol,pgm3d...) with 3D viewer |
homotopicThinning3D | Applies an homotopic thinning of a 3d image file (vol,longvol,pgm3d...) with 3D viewer |
volAddBorder | Adds a border of one voxel with value 0 around a vol file |
volAddNoise | Adds Kanungo noise to a binary object with 0 values as background points and values >0 for the foreground ones |
volCComponentCounter | Counts the number of connected component (same values) in a volume (Vol) file image |
volCrop | Crops a 3D vol image from domain coordinates |
volFillInterior | Fills the interior of a voxel shape. The process can be sketched as follows: First the volume is filled in a breath-first approach from the point (0,0,0) (supposed to be exterior) using 6-adjacency. Then the complement is returned |
volFlip | Flips 2D slice image of an 3D vol image (mirror transformation) |
volImageMetrics | Applies basic image measures (RMSE, PSNR) between two volumetric images A and B |
volInfo | Get information from a vol file (size and values) |
volIntensityScale | Applies a linear rescaling of the image intensity from an input intensity interval [InMin, InMax] into an output interval [OutMin, OutMax] |
volMask | Extracts a new image from the a mask image that represents the regions of the image which are selected and copied in the resulting image. Elements outside the regions defined by the mask are set to 0 |
volReSample | Re samples a 3D volumetric image (.vol, .longvol, .pgm3d) with a given grid size |
volSegment | Segments volumetric file from a simple threshold which can be set automatically from the otsu estimation |
volShapeMetrics | Applies shape measures for comparing two volumetric images A and B (shape defined from thresholds) |
volSubSample | Brutally sub samples a vol file (division by 2 in each direction) |
volTrValues | Applies basic vol image transform from the input values to output values |
imageProcessing/at-u0-v1 | Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of a grey-level or color image, by optimizing the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 0-form and v a 1-form) |
imageProcessing/at-u2-v0 | Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of a grey-level or color image, by optimizing the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 2-form and v a 0-form) |
imageProcessing/atv-u2-v0 | Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of a grey-level or color image, by optimizing a variant of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 2-form and v a 0-form) |