DGtalTools  1.5.beta
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Image processing
 Image restoration and inpainting with Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional
 convertVolConverts volumetric file into volumetric file from different formats (pgm3d, vol, longvol). This tool can also be used to upgrade a Version-2 Vol or Longvol file to the new (compressed) Version-3
 dicom2volConverts dicom file into a volumetric file (.vol, .longvol .pgm3d)
 freeman2imgTransforms one or several freeman chains into a pgm file by filling their interior areas
 freeman2sdpTransform freeman chain into a Sequence of Discrete Points. Result is given to std output
 HDF52volConverts a 3D 8-bit HDF5 file to vol
 heightfield2shadingRenders a 2D heightfield image into a shading image
 heightfield2volConverts a 2D heightfield image into a volumetric file
 img2freemanExtracts Freeman chains from thresholded image
 imgAddNoiseAdds noise (Kanungo's) to a binary 2D object
 itk2volConverts itk file into a volumetric file (.vol, .pgm3d)
 longvol2volConverts a longvol (long int) to a vol file (unsigned char)
 mesh2heightfieldConverts a mesh file into a projected 2D image given from a normal direction N and from a starting point P
 mesh2volConvert a mesh file into a 26-separated or 6-separated voxelization in a given resolution grid
 ofs2offConvert OFS file into OFF mesh format
 raw2HDF5Converts a 3D 8-bit raw file to HDF5
 raw2volConverts a 8-bit raw file to vol
 sdp2volConverts digital set of points into a volumic file
 slice2volConverts set of 2D images into volumetric file (pgm3d, vol, longvol)
 vol2heightfieldConverts volumetric file into a projected 2D image given from a normal direction N and from a starting point P
 vol2objConverts any volumetric file to an OBJ one. Each grid point with value between [thresholdMin,thresholdMax] is exported as a unit cube
 vol2rawConverts a vol to a 8-bit raw file
 vol2sdpExtracts digital points from 3d vol files
 vol2sliceConvert a volumetric file (.vol, .longvol, .pgm3d) into a set of 2D slice images
 vol2voxConverts a vol file to a MagicaVoxel VOX file (https://ephtracy.github.io)
 volBoundary2objExport the boundary of a volume file to OBJ format. By default the resulting mesh is defined from the surfels of the surface elements, a triangulated (dual)
 vox2volConverts a MagicaVoxel VOX file (https://ephtracy.github.io) to a vol file
 2dCompImageCompare images and displays differences (squared and absolute differences)
 3DCompSurfelDataComputes generic scalar surfel data comparisons (squared error) (given from an input data file and from a reference one)
 3DCurvatureViewerComputes and visualizes mean or gaussian curvature of binary shapes
 3DCurvatureViewerNoiseSame as 3DCurvatureViewer, but allows to add some noise to objects
 3dCurveViewerDisplays a 3D curve given as the input filename (with possibly projections and/or tangent information) by using QGLviewer
 3dDisplaySurfelDataDisplays surfel data from SDP file with color attributes given as scalar interpreted as color
 3dHeightMapViewerDisplays 2D image as heightmap by using QGLviewer
 3dImageViewerDisplays volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer
 3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorBy4DExtensionComputes the zero level set of the given polynomial
 3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorByThickeningComputes the zero level set of the given polynomial
 3DSDPViewerDisplays a sequence of 3d discrete points by using QGLviewer
 3dVolBoundaryViewerDisplay the boundary of a volume file by using QGLviewer
 3dVolViewerDisplays volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer
 displayContoursDisplays discrete contours
 meshViewerDisplays OFF mesh file by using QGLviewer
 patternTriangulationDraws the Delaunay triangulation of a pattern using DGtal library
 sliceViewerDisplays volume file with slice image by using QT and QGLviewer
 volscopeVolumetric file visualization using polyscope
 2dLocalEstimatorsCompares local estimators on implicit shapes using DGtal library
 3dCurveTangentEstimatorThis program estimates the tangent vector to a set of 3D integer points, which are supposed to approximate a 3D curve
 3dLocalEstimatorsCompares local estimators on implicit shapes using DGtal library
 curvatureBCEstimatates curvature using a binomial convolver
 curvatureMCMSEstimates curvature using length of most centered segment computers
 curvatureScaleSpaceBCCGenerate the Curvature Scale Space image using a binomial convolver based estimator
 eulerCharacteristicComputes the Euleur Characteristic of a vol to a 8-bit raw file
 generic3dNormalEstimatorsComputes a normal vector field over a digitized 3D implicit surface for several estimators
 lengthEstimatorsGenerates multigrid length estimations of paramteric shapes using DGtal library
 statisticsEstimatorsComputes satistics (L1, L2, Loo) from results of two estimators
 tangentBCEstimates tangent using a binomial convolver
 vol2normalFieldGenerates normal vector field from a vol file using DGtal library
 volSurfaceRegularizationRegularize a cubical complex into a smooth quadrangulated complex
 2dSimplePolygonDigitizerCompute the Gauss Digitization of a simple closed polyline (no hole or self-intersection)
 3dParametricCurveDigitizerDigitizes 3D parametric curves using DGtal library
 contourGeneratorGenerates multigrid contours of 2d digital shapes using DGtal library
 shapeGeneratorGenerates shapes using DGtal library
 3dVolMarchingCubesOutputs the isosurface of the input volume as an OFF file
 criticalKernelsThinning3DApplies an criticalKernels thinning algorithm of a 3d image file (vol,longvol,pgm3d...) with 3D viewer
 homotopicThinning3DApplies an homotopic thinning of a 3d image file (vol,longvol,pgm3d...) with 3D viewer
 volAddBorderAdds a border of one voxel with value 0 around a vol file
 volAddNoiseAdds Kanungo noise to a binary object with 0 values as background points and values >0 for the foreground ones
 volCComponentCounterCounts the number of connected component (same values) in a volume (Vol) file image
 volCropCrops a 3D vol image from domain coordinates
 volFillInteriorFills the interior of a voxel shape. The process can be sketched as follows: First the volume is filled in a breath-first approach from the point (0,0,0) (supposed to be exterior) using 6-adjacency. Then the complement is returned
 volFlipFlips 2D slice image of an 3D vol image (mirror transformation)
 volImageMetricsApplies basic image measures (RMSE, PSNR) between two volumetric images A and B
 volInfoGet information from a vol file (size and values)
 volIntensityScaleApplies a linear rescaling of the image intensity from an input intensity interval [InMin, InMax] into an output interval [OutMin, OutMax]
 volMaskExtracts a new image from the a mask image that represents the regions of the image which are selected and copied in the resulting image. Elements outside the regions defined by the mask are set to 0
 volReSampleRe samples a 3D volumetric image (.vol, .longvol, .pgm3d) with a given grid size
 volSegmentSegments volumetric file from a simple threshold which can be set automatically from the otsu estimation
 volShapeMetricsApplies shape measures for comparing two volumetric images A and B (shape defined from thresholds)
 volSubSampleBrutally sub samples a vol file (division by 2 in each direction)
 volTrValuesApplies basic vol image transform from the input values to output values
 imageProcessing/at-u0-v1Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of a grey-level or color image, by optimizing the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 0-form and v a 1-form)
 imageProcessing/at-u2-v0Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of a grey-level or color image, by optimizing the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 2-form and v a 0-form)
 imageProcessing/atv-u2-v0Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of a grey-level or color image, by optimizing a variant of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 2-form and v a 0-form)