DGtalTools  1.3.beta

Displays surfel data from SDP file with color attributes given as scalar interpreted as color.

Usage: 3dDisplaySurfelData [OPTIONS] 1 [fixMaxColorValue] [fixMinColorValue]

Allowed options are :

1 TEXT:FILE REQUIRED input file: sdp (sequence of discrete points with attribute)
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-i,--input TEXT:FILE REQUIRED input file: sdp (sequence of discrete points with attribute)
-n,--noWindows Don't display Viewer windows.
-d,--doSnapShotAndExit TEXT save display snapshot into file.
--labelIndex UINT set the index of the label (by default set to 3)
--SDPindex UINT ... specify the sdp index (by default 0,1,2).
--fixMaxColorValue FLOAT fix manually the maximal color value for the scale error display (else the scale is set from the maximal value)
--fixMinColorValue FLOAT fix manually the maximal color value for the scale error display (else the scale is set from the minimal value)


To test this program we have first to generate a file containing a set of surfels with, for instance, their associated curvature values:

$ 3dCurvatureViewer -i $DGtal/examples/samples/cat10.vol -r 3 --exportOnly -d curvatureCat10R3.dat

Then, we can use this tool to display the set of surfel with their associated values:

$ 3dDisplaySurfelData -i curvatureCat10R3.dat

You should obtain such a result:

resulting visualisation of surfel with their associated values.
See also
3dDisplaySurfelData.cpp, 3DCompSurfelData