Digitizes 3D parametric curves using DGtal library.
Usage: 3dParametricCurveDigitizer [options] –curve <curve> –param1 <double> –param2 <double> –param3 <double> –tstart <double> –tend <double> –step <double> –output <basename>
Allowed options are:
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--param1 FLOAT=1 a radius or a scaling factor (default 0)
--param2 FLOAT=1 a radius or a scaling factor (default 0)
--param3 FLOAT=1 a radius or a scaling factor (default 0)
--tstart FLOAT start time
--tend FLOAT end time
-s,--step FLOAT step
-k,--knext UINT=5 K_NEXT value (default 5)
-l,--list List all available shapes
-c,--curve TEXT Shape name
-a,--angle FLOAT=0 Rotation angle in radians(default 0)
--ox FLOAT=0 X coordinate of origin (default 0)
--oy FLOAT=0 Y coordinate of origin (default 0)
--oz FLOAT=0 Z coordinate of origin (default 0)
--ax FLOAT=1 X component of rotation axis (default 1)
--ay FLOAT=0 Y component of rotation axis (default 0)
--az FLOAT=0 Z component of rotation axis (default 0)
-o,--output TEXT Basename of the output file
You can list the potential curves:
$ 3dParametricCurveDigitizer --list
3D Parametric curves:
EllipticHelix Helix with two axes and a distance between consecutive turns. Its period is 2 * Pi.
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_3_1 Parametric knot 3_1 i.e., a trefoli polynomial knot
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_3_2 Parametric knot 3_2 i.e., a trefoli knot having a period of 2 * Pi
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_4_1 Parametric knot 4_1 (polynomial knot)
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_4_3 Parametric knot 4_3 having a period 2 * Pi.
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_5_1 Parametric knot 5_1 (polynomial knot)
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_5_2 Parametric knot 5_2 having a period 2 * Pi
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_6_2 Parametric knot 6_2 (polynomial knot)
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
Knot_7_4 Parametric knot 7_4 (polynomial knot)
Required parameter(s): --param1, --param2, --param3
# generate a trefoli knot:
3dParametricCurveDigitizer --curve Knot_3_1 --param1 10 --param2 10 --param3 10 --tstart -2.2 --tend 2.2 --step 0.001 --output knot_3_1
- See also
- 3dParametricCurveDigitizer.cpp 3dParametricCurveDigitizer