DGtal  1.4.2
17 #pragma once
31 #if defined(CellGeometry_RECURSES)
32 #error Recursive header files inclusion detected in CellGeometry.h
33 #else // defined(CellGeometry_RECURSES)
35 #define CellGeometry_RECURSES
37 #if !defined CellGeometry_h
39 #define CellGeometry_h
42 // Inclusions
43 #include <iostream>
44 #include <list>
45 #include <vector>
46 #include <string>
47 #include <unordered_set>
48 #include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
49 #include "DGtal/kernel/UnorderedSetByBlock.h"
50 #include "DGtal/kernel/PointHashFunctions.h"
51 #include "DGtal/topology/CCellularGridSpaceND.h"
52 #include "DGtal/topology/KhalimskySpaceND.h"
53 #include "DGtal/topology/KhalimskyCellHashFunctions.h"
54 #include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/BoundedLatticePolytope.h"
55 #include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/BoundedRationalPolytope.h"
58 namespace DGtal
59 {
62  // template class CellGeometry
73  template < typename TKSpace >
75  {
78  public:
80  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
81  typedef typename KSpace::Integer Integer;
82  typedef typename KSpace::Point Point;
83  typedef typename KSpace::Vector Vector;
84  typedef typename KSpace::Cell Cell;
85  typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
86  typedef typename KSpace::Size Size;
89 #else
90  typedef DGtal::int64_t BigInteger;
91 #endif
96  static const Dimension dimension = KSpace::dimension;
105  ~CellGeometry() = default;
116  CellGeometry ( const Self & other ) = default;
122  CellGeometry ( Self && other ) = default;
131  CellGeometry ( const KSpace & K,
132  Dimension min_cell_dim = 0,
133  Dimension max_cell_dim = KSpace::dimension,
134  bool verbose = false );
141  Self & operator= ( const Self & other ) = default;
150  void init( const KSpace & K,
151  Dimension min_cell_dim = 0,
152  Dimension max_cell_dim = KSpace::dimension,
153  bool verbose = false );
156  // ----------------------- Cells services ------------------------------
157  public:
163  void addCellsTouchingPoint( const Point& p );
167  void addCellsTouchingPointel( const Cell& pointel );
173  void addCellsTouchingCell( const Cell& c );
184  void addCellsTouchingSegment( const Point& a, const Point& b );
188  template <typename PointIterator>
189  void addCellsTouchingPoints( PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE );
193  template <typename PointelIterator>
194  void addCellsTouchingPointels( PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE );
210  void addCellsTouchingPolytope( const LatticePolytope& polytope );
227  // ----------------------- Accessor services ------------------------------
228  public:
233  Size nbCells() const;
237  Size computeNbCells(const Dimension k ) const;
247  std::vector< Point > getKPoints( const Dimension k ) const;
251  // ----------------------- Cell services ------------------------------
252  public:
265  bool subset( const CellGeometry& other ) const;
276  bool subset( const CellGeometry& other, const Dimension k ) const;
280  // ----------------------- helper services ------------------------------
281  public:
291  std::vector< Point >
292  getIntersectedKPoints( const LatticePolytope& polytope, const Dimension i ) const;
300  std::vector< Point >
301  getIntersectedKPoints( const RationalPolytope& polytope, const Dimension i ) const;
308  std::vector< Point >
309  getTouchedKPoints( const std::vector< Point >& points, const Dimension i ) const;
318  std::vector< Cell >
319  getIntersectedCells( const LatticePolytope& polytope, const Dimension i ) const;
327  std::vector< Cell >
328  getIntersectedCells( const RationalPolytope& polytope, const Dimension i ) const;
335  std::vector< Cell >
336  getTouchedCells( const std::vector< Point >& points, const Dimension i ) const;
340  // ----------------------- Khalimsky point services -------------------------------
341  public:
348  static Dimension dim( const Point& kp );
352  // ----------------------- Interface --------------------------------------
353  public:
361  void selfDisplay ( std::ostream & out ) const;
368  bool isValid() const;
373  std::string className() const;
377  // ------------------------- Protected Datas ------------------------------
378  protected:
390  bool myVerbose;
392  // ------------------------- Private Datas --------------------------------
393  private:
396  // ------------------------- Internals ------------------------------------
397  private:
398  // Internal method for cheking if sorted range [it1,itE1] is a
399  // subset of sorted range [it2, itE2]. Different from
400  // std::includes since it performs exponential march and dichotomy
401  // to walk faster along range [it1,itE1].
402  template <typename RandomIterator>
403  static
404  bool includes( RandomIterator it2, RandomIterator itE2,
405  RandomIterator it1, RandomIterator itE1 );
407  }; // end of class CellGeometry
418  template <typename TKSpace>
419  std::ostream&
420  operator<< ( std::ostream & out,
421  const CellGeometry<TKSpace> & object );
432  template <typename TKSpace, int i, int N>
434  {
436  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
437  typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
438  typedef typename KSpace::Cell Cell;
439  typedef typename KSpace::Point Point;
447  template <typename PointelIterator>
448  static
449  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
451  PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE )
452  {
453  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
454  if ( i == 0 )
455  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
456  cells.insert( *it );
457  else
458  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
459  {
460  auto pointel = *it;
461  auto cofaces = K.uCoFaces( pointel );
462  for ( auto&& f : cofaces )
463  if ( K.uDim( f ) == i ) cells.insert( f );
464  }
465  return cells;
466  }
474  template <typename PointIterator>
475  static
476  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
478  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
479  {
480  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
481  if ( i == 0 )
482  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
483  cells.insert( K.uPointel( *it ) );
484  else
485  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
486  {
487  auto pointel = K.uPointel( *it );
488  auto cofaces = K.uCoFaces( pointel );
489  for ( auto&& f : cofaces )
490  if ( K.uDim( f ) == i ) cells.insert( f );
491  }
492  return cells;
493  }
501  template <typename PointIterator>
502  static
506  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
507  {
510  if ( i == 0 )
511  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
512  kpoints.insert( K.uKCoords( K.uPointel( *it ) ) );
513  else
514  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
515  {
516  auto pointel = K.uPointel( *it );
517  auto cofaces = K.uCoFaces( pointel );
518  for ( auto&& f : cofaces )
519  if ( K.uDim( f ) == i ) kpoints.insert( K.uKCoords( f ) );
520  }
521  return kpoints;
522  }
525  }; // end struct CellGeometryFunctions
529  template <typename TKSpace>
530  struct CellGeometryFunctions< TKSpace, 1, 2 >
531  {
533  BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( TKSpace::dimension == 2 );
534  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
535  typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
536  typedef typename KSpace::Cell Cell;
543  template <typename PointelIterator>
544  static
545  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
547  PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE )
548  {
549  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
550  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
551  {
552  auto pointel = *it;
553  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true ) );
554  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false ) );
555  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, true ) );
556  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, false ) );
557  }
558  return cells;
559  }
566  template <typename PointIterator>
567  static
568  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
570  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
571  {
572  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
573  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
574  {
575  auto pointel = K.uPointel( *it );
576  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true ) );
577  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false ) );
578  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, true ) );
579  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, false ) );
580  }
581  return cells;
582  }
589  template <typename PointIterator>
590  static
594  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
595  {
598  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
599  {
600  auto kp = K.uKCoords( K.uPointel( *it ) );
601  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] - 1 );
602  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] );
603  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] );
604  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] + 1 );
605  }
606  return kpoints;
607  }
609  }; // end struct CellGeometryFunctions
613  template <typename TKSpace>
614  struct CellGeometryFunctions< TKSpace, 1, 3 >
615  {
617  BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( TKSpace::dimension == 3 );
618  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
619  typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
620  typedef typename KSpace::Cell Cell;
627  template <typename PointelIterator>
628  static
629  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
631  PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE )
632  {
633  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
634  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
635  {
636  auto pointel = *it;
637  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true ) );
638  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false ) );
639  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, true ) );
640  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, false ) );
641  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 2, true ) );
642  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 2, false ) );
643  }
644  return cells;
645  }
653  template <typename PointIterator>
654  static
655  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
657  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
658  {
659  std::cout << "<1,3> specialization" << std::endl;
660  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
661  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
662  {
663  auto pointel = K.uPointel( *it );
664  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true ) );
665  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false ) );
666  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, true ) );
667  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 1, false ) );
668  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 2, true ) );
669  cells.insert( K.uIncident( pointel, 2, false ) );
670  }
671  return cells;
672  }
679  template <typename PointIterator>
680  static
684  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
685  {
688  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
689  {
690  auto kp = K.uKCoords( K.uPointel( *it ) );
691  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] );
692  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] );
693  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] );
694  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] );
695  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
696  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
697  }
698  return kpoints;
699  }
701  }; // end struct CellGeometryFunctions
705  template <typename TKSpace>
706  struct CellGeometryFunctions< TKSpace, 2, 2 >
707  {
709  BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( TKSpace::dimension == 2 );
710  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
711  typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
712  typedef typename KSpace::Cell Cell;
719  template <typename PointelIterator>
720  static
721  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
723  PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE )
724  {
725  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
726  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
727  {
728  auto pointel = *it;
729  auto linelxp = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true );
730  auto linelxm = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false );
731  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, true ) );
732  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, false ) );
733  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, true ) );
734  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, false ) );
735  }
736  return cells;
737  }
745  template <typename PointIterator>
746  static
747  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
749  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
750  {
751  std::cout << "<2,2> specialization" << std::endl;
752  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
753  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
754  {
755  auto pointel = K.uPointel( *it );
756  auto linelxp = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true );
757  auto linelxm = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false );
758  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, true ) );
759  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, false ) );
760  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, true ) );
761  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, false ) );
762  }
763  return cells;
764  }
771  template <typename PointIterator>
772  static
776  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
777  {
780  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
781  {
782  auto kp = K.uKCoords( K.uPointel( *it ) );
783  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1 );
784  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1 );
785  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1 );
786  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1 );
787  }
788  return kpoints;
789  }
791  }; // end struct CellGeometryFunctions
795  template <typename TKSpace>
796  struct CellGeometryFunctions< TKSpace, 2, 3 >
797  {
799  BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( TKSpace::dimension == 2 );
800  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
801  typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
802  typedef typename KSpace::Cell Cell;
809  template <typename PointelIterator>
810  static
811  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
813  PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE )
814  {
815  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
816  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
817  {
818  auto pointel = *it;
819  auto linelxp = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true );
820  auto linelxm = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false );
821  auto linelyp = K.uIncident( pointel, 1, true );
822  auto linelym = K.uIncident( pointel, 1, false );
823  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, true ) );
824  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, false ) );
825  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 2, true ) );
826  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 2, false ) );
827  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, true ) );
828  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, false ) );
829  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 2, true ) );
830  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 2, false ) );
831  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelyp, 2, true ) );
832  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelyp, 2, false ) );
833  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelym, 2, true ) );
834  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelym, 2, false ) );
835  }
836  return cells;
837  }
845  template <typename PointIterator>
846  static
847  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
849  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
850  {
851  std::cout << "<2,3> specialization" << std::endl;
852  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
853  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
854  {
855  auto pointel = K.uPointel( *it );
856  auto linelxp = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true );
857  auto linelxm = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false );
858  auto linelyp = K.uIncident( pointel, 1, true );
859  auto linelym = K.uIncident( pointel, 1, false );
860  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, true ) );
861  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, false ) );
862  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 2, true ) );
863  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxp, 2, false ) );
864  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, true ) );
865  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, false ) );
866  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 2, true ) );
867  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelxm, 2, false ) );
868  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelyp, 2, true ) );
869  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelyp, 2, false ) );
870  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelym, 2, true ) );
871  cells.insert( K.uIncident( linelym, 2, false ) );
872  }
873  return cells;
874  }
881  template <typename PointIterator>
882  static
886  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
887  {
890  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
891  {
892  auto kp = K.uKCoords( K.uPointel( *it ) );
893  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] );
894  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] );
895  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] );
896  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] );
897  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
898  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
899  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
900  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] , kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
901  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
902  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
903  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
904  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] , kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
905  }
906  return kpoints;
907  }
909  }; // end struct CellGeometryFunctions
913  template <typename TKSpace>
914  struct CellGeometryFunctions< TKSpace, 3, 3 >
915  {
917  BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( TKSpace::dimension == 3 );
918  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
919  typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
920  typedef typename KSpace::Cell Cell;
927  template <typename PointelIterator>
928  static
929  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
931  PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE )
932  {
933  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
934  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
935  {
936  auto pointel = *it;
937  auto linelxp = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true );
938  auto linelxm = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false );
939  auto surfxpyp = K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, true );
940  auto surfxpym = K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, false );
941  auto surfxmyp = K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, true );
942  auto surfxmym = K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, false );
943  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpyp, 2, true ) );
944  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpyp, 2, false ) );
945  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpym, 2, true ) );
946  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpym, 2, false ) );
947  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmyp, 2, true ) );
948  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmyp, 2, false ) );
949  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmym, 2, true ) );
950  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmym, 2, false ) );
951  }
952  return cells;
953  }
961  template <typename PointIterator>
962  static
963  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell>
965  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
966  {
967  std::unordered_set<typename KSpace::Cell> cells;
968  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
969  {
970  auto pointel = K.uPointel( *it );
971  auto linelxp = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, true );
972  auto linelxm = K.uIncident( pointel, 0, false );
973  auto surfxpyp = K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, true );
974  auto surfxpym = K.uIncident( linelxp, 1, false );
975  auto surfxmyp = K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, true );
976  auto surfxmym = K.uIncident( linelxm, 1, false );
977  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpyp, 2, true ) );
978  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpyp, 2, false ) );
979  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpym, 2, true ) );
980  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxpym, 2, false ) );
981  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmyp, 2, true ) );
982  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmyp, 2, false ) );
983  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmym, 2, true ) );
984  cells.insert( K.uIncident( surfxmym, 2, false ) );
985  }
986  return cells;
987  }
994  template <typename PointIterator>
995  static
999  PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE )
1000  {
1003  for ( auto it = itB; it != itE; ++it )
1004  {
1005  auto kp = K.uKCoords( K.uPointel( *it ) );
1006  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
1007  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
1008  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
1009  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] - 1 );
1010  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
1011  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] - 1, kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
1012  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] - 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
1013  kpoints.emplace( kp[ 0 ] + 1, kp[ 1 ] + 1, kp[ 2 ] + 1 );
1014  }
1015  return kpoints;
1016  }
1018  }; // end struct CellGeometryFunctions
1021 } // namespace DGtal
1025 // Includes inline functions.
1026 #include "CellGeometry.ih"
1028 // //
1031 #endif // !defined CellGeometry_h
1033 #undef CellGeometry_RECURSES
1034 #endif // else defined(CellGeometry_RECURSES)
Aim: Represents an nD lattice polytope, i.e. a convex polyhedron bounded with vertices with integer c...
Aim: Represents an nD rational polytope, i.e. a convex polyhedron bounded by vertices with rational c...
Aim: Computes and stores sets of cells and provides methods to compute intersections of lattice and r...
Definition: CellGeometry.h:75
static const Dimension dimension
Definition: CellGeometry.h:96
UnorderedSetByBlock< Point, Splitter< Point, uint64_t > > myKPoints
The unordered set that stores cells.
Definition: CellGeometry.h:384
bool isValid() const
static bool includes(RandomIterator it2, RandomIterator itE2, RandomIterator it1, RandomIterator itE1)
bool subset(const CellGeometry &other) const
static Dimension dim(const Point &kp)
void addCellsTouchingPolytopePoints(const RationalPolytope &polytope)
KSpace::Vector Vector
Definition: CellGeometry.h:83
Dimension maxCellDim() const
std::vector< Cell > getTouchedCells(const std::vector< Point > &points, const Dimension i) const
Dimension myMinCellDim
The minimum cell dimension.
Definition: CellGeometry.h:386
CellGeometry(const KSpace &K, Dimension min_cell_dim=0, Dimension max_cell_dim=KSpace::dimension, bool verbose=false)
KSpace::Space Space
Definition: CellGeometry.h:85
KSpace::Integer Integer
Definition: CellGeometry.h:81
std::vector< Point > getKPoints(const Dimension k) const
void addCellsTouchingPointels(PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE)
CellGeometry(Self &&other)=default
void init(const KSpace &K, Dimension min_cell_dim=0, Dimension max_cell_dim=KSpace::dimension, bool verbose=false)
std::vector< Point > getTouchedKPoints(const std::vector< Point > &points, const Dimension i) const
void addCellsTouchingPoints(PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
CellGeometry(const Self &other)=default
std::vector< Cell > getIntersectedCells(const LatticePolytope &polytope, const Dimension i) const
bool subset(const CellGeometry &other, const Dimension k) const
std::string className() const
Dimension minCellDim() const
KSpace::Size Size
Definition: CellGeometry.h:86
CellGeometry & operator+=(const CellGeometry &other)
DGtal::BigInteger BigInteger
Definition: CellGeometry.h:88
DGtal::BoundedLatticePolytope< Space > Polytope
Definition: CellGeometry.h:92
DGtal::BoundedLatticePolytope< Space > LatticePolytope
Definition: CellGeometry.h:93
void addCellsTouchingPoint(const Point &p)
std::vector< Cell > getIntersectedCells(const RationalPolytope &polytope, const Dimension i) const
void addCellsTouchingPolytope(const LatticePolytope &polytope)
CellGeometry< TKSpace > Self
Definition: CellGeometry.h:79
void addCellsTouchingPolytope(const RationalPolytope &polytope)
std::vector< Point > getIntersectedKPoints(const RationalPolytope &polytope, const Dimension i) const
bool myVerbose
Tells if verbose mode.
Definition: CellGeometry.h:390
KSpace::Point Point
Definition: CellGeometry.h:82
KSpace myK
The cellular space for cells.
Definition: CellGeometry.h:381
DGtal::BoundedRationalPolytope< Space > RationalPolytope
Definition: CellGeometry.h:94
std::vector< Point > getIntersectedKPoints(const LatticePolytope &polytope, const Dimension i) const
KSpace::Cell Cell
Definition: CellGeometry.h:84
Size computeNbCells(const Dimension k) const
Dimension myMaxCellDim
The maximal cell dimension.
Definition: CellGeometry.h:388
Self & operator=(const Self &other)=default
void addCellsTouchingPointel(const Cell &pointel)
void addCellsTouchingSegment(const Point &a, const Point &b)
void addCellsTouchingPolytopePoints(const LatticePolytope &polytope)
void addCellsTouchingCell(const Cell &c)
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
Size nbCells() const
Integer computeEuler() const
void selfDisplay(std::ostream &out) const
TInteger Integer
Arithmetic ring induced by (+,-,*) and Integer numbers.
NumberTraits< Integer >::UnsignedVersion Size
Type used to represent sizes in the digital space.
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
boost::int64_t int64_t
signed 94-bit integer.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:74
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ATu0v1< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra > &object)
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
Definition: Common.h:136
mpz_class BigInteger
Multi-precision integer with GMP implementation.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:79
static UnorderedSetByBlock< typename KSpace::Point, Splitter< typename KSpace::Point, uint64_t > > getIncidentKPointsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:593
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:569
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPointels(const KSpace &K, PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:546
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPointels(const KSpace &K, PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:630
static UnorderedSetByBlock< typename KSpace::Point, Splitter< typename KSpace::Point, uint64_t > > getIncidentKPointsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:683
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:656
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:748
static UnorderedSetByBlock< typename KSpace::Point, Splitter< typename KSpace::Point, uint64_t > > getIncidentKPointsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:775
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPointels(const KSpace &K, PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:722
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:848
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
static UnorderedSetByBlock< typename KSpace::Point, Splitter< typename KSpace::Point, uint64_t > > getIncidentKPointsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:885
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPointels(const KSpace &K, PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:812
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPointels(const KSpace &K, PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:930
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:964
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
static UnorderedSetByBlock< typename KSpace::Point, Splitter< typename KSpace::Point, uint64_t > > getIncidentKPointsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:998
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:477
static std::unordered_set< typename KSpace::Cell > getIncidentCellsToPointels(const KSpace &K, PointelIterator itB, PointelIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:450
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
static UnorderedSetByBlock< typename KSpace::Point, Splitter< typename KSpace::Point, uint64_t > > getIncidentKPointsToPoints(const KSpace &K, PointIterator itB, PointIterator itE)
Definition: CellGeometry.h:505
Aim: This concept describes a cellular grid space in nD. In these spaces obtained by cartesian produc...
MyPointD Point
Definition: testClone2.cpp:383
KSpace K