DGtal  1.4.2
digitalSetToCubicalComplexes2D.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include "ConfigExamples.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
#include "DGtal/topology/CubicalComplex.h"
#include "DGtal/shapes/GaussDigitizer.h"
#include "DGtal/shapes/Shapes.h"
#include "DGtal/shapes/EuclideanShapesDecorator.h"
#include "DGtal/shapes/parametric/Flower2D.h"
#include "DGtal/io/boards/Board2D.h"
#include "DGtal/io/Color.h"
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int main (int, char **)

Detailed Description

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Kacper Pluta (kacpe.nosp@m.r.pl.nosp@m.uta@e.nosp@m.siee.nosp@m..fr ) Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge - LIGM, France

An example file named digitalSetToCubicalComplexes2D.

This file is part of the DGtal library.

Definition in file digitalSetToCubicalComplexes2D.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int  ,
char **   

Definition at line 65 of file digitalSetToCubicalComplexes2D.cpp.

66 {
67  trace.beginBlock ( "Example digitalSetToCubicalComplexes2D" );
68  trace.beginBlock ( "Generate a 2D shape." );
69  typedef Flower2D< Space > MyEuclideanShape;
70  MyEuclideanShape shape( RealPoint( 0.0, 0.0 ), 16, 5, 5, M_PI_2/2. );
72  typedef GaussDigitizer< Space, MyEuclideanShape > MyGaussDigitizer;
73  MyGaussDigitizer digShape;
74  digShape.attach( shape );
75  digShape.init ( shape.getLowerBound(), shape.getUpperBound(), 1.0 );
76  Domain domainShape = digShape.getDomain();
77  DigitalSet aSet( domainShape );
78  Shapes<Domain>::digitalShaper( aSet, digShape );
80  Board2D board;
81  board << SetMode( domainShape.className(), "Paving" ) << domainShape;
82  Color dorange ( 255, 136, 0, 220 );
83  board << CustomStyle( aSet.className(), new CustomFillColor ( dorange ) );
84  board << aSet;
85  trace.endBlock();
87  trace.beginBlock ( "Generate a 2D cubical representation." );
88  typedef map<Cell, CubicalCellData> Map;
91  KSpace K;
92  K.init ( domainShape.lowerBound(), domainShape.upperBound(), true );
93  CC complex ( K );
94  complex.construct< DigitalSet >( aSet );
96  board << SetMode( domainShape.className(), "Paving" ) << domainShape;
99  for ( Dimension d = 0; d <= 2; ++d )
100  for ( CellMapConstIterator it = complex.begin( d ), itE = complex.end( d );
101  it != itE; ++it )
102  {
103  if ( d == 0 )
104  board << CustomStyle( it->first.className(),
105  new CustomColors( Color( 0, 0, 0 ),
106  Color( 0, 0, 0 ) ) );
107  else if ( d == 1 )
108  board << CustomStyle( it->first.className(),
109  new CustomColors( Color( 200, 0, 0 ),
110  Color( 100, 255, 100 ) ) );
111  else
112  board << CustomStyle( it->first.className(),
113  new CustomColors( Color( 0, 0, 200 ),
114  Color( 100, 255, 100 ) ) );
115  board << it->first;
116  }
118  board.saveEPS ( "cubicalComplexes.eps" );
119  trace.endBlock();
120  trace.endBlock();
121  return 0;
122 }
Aim: This class specializes a 'Board' class so as to display DGtal objects more naturally (with <<)....
Definition: Board2D.h:71
Structure representing an RGB triple with alpha component.
Definition: Color.h:68
Aim: This class represents an arbitrary cubical complex living in some Khalimsky space....
CellMap::const_iterator CellMapConstIterator
Const iterator for visiting type CellMap.
Aim: A wrapper class around a STL associative container for storing sets of digital points within som...
Aim: Model of the concept StarShaped represents any flower with k-petals in the plane.
Definition: Flower2D.h:65
void attach(ConstAlias< EuclideanShape > shape)
std::string className() const
Aim: This class is a model of CCellularGridSpaceND. It represents the cubical grid as a cell complex,...
bool init(const Point &lower, const Point &upper, bool isClosed)
Specifies the upper and lower bounds for the maximal cells in this space.
Aim: A utility class for constructing different shapes (balls, diamonds, and others).
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
double endBlock()
void saveEPS(const char *filename, PageSize size=Board::BoundingBox, double margin=10.0) const
Definition: Board.cpp:804
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
Definition: Common.h:136
Trace trace
Definition: Common.h:153
Custom style class redefining the pen color and the fill color. You may use Board2D::Color::None for ...
Definition: Board2D.h:279
Custom style class redefining the fill color. You may use Board2D::Color::None for transparent color.
Definition: Board2D.h:343
Modifier class in a Board2D stream. Useful to choose your own mode for a given class....
Definition: Board2D.h:247
KSpace K
std::unordered_map< Cell, CubicalCellData > Map
CubicalComplex< KSpace, Map > CC
CC::CellMapConstIterator CellMapConstIterator
PointVector< 3, double > RealPoint

References DGtal::GaussDigitizer< TSpace, TEuclideanShape >::attach(), DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::begin(), DGtal::Trace::beginBlock(), DGtal::HyperRectDomain< TSpace >::className(), DGtal::DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer< TDomain, TContainer >::className(), DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::construct(), DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::end(), DGtal::Trace::endBlock(), DGtal::KhalimskySpaceND< dim, TInteger >::init(), K, DGtal::HyperRectDomain< TSpace >::lowerBound(), LibBoard::Board::saveEPS(), DGtal::trace, and DGtal::HyperRectDomain< TSpace >::upperBound().