DGtal  1.4.2
17 #pragma once
31 #if defined(Viewer3DFactory_RECURSES)
32 #error Recursive header files inclusion detected in Viewer3DFactory.h
33 #else // defined(Viewer3DFactory_RECURSES)
35 #define Viewer3DFactory_RECURSES
37 #if !defined Viewer3DFactory_h
39 #define Viewer3DFactory_h
42 // Inclusions
44 #include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
45 #include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
47 #include "DGtal/io/Display3DFactory.h"
48 #include "DGtal/io/viewers/DrawWithViewer3DModifier.h"
49 #include "DGtal/geometry/curves/StandardDSS6Computer.h"
50 #include "DGtal/geometry/curves/Naive3DDSSComputer.h"
51 #include "DGtal/kernel/sets/DigitalSetBySTLSet.h"
52 #include "DGtal/kernel/sets/DigitalSetBySTLVector.h"
53 #include "DGtal/kernel/sets/DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer.h"
54 #include "DGtal/kernel/domains/HyperRectDomain.h"
55 #include "DGtal/topology/KhalimskySpaceND.h"
56 #include "DGtal/topology/Object.h"
57 #include "DGtal/kernel/PointVector.h"
58 #include "DGtal/geometry/curves/GridCurve.h"
59 #include "DGtal/shapes/Mesh.h"
60 #include "DGtal/geometry/tools/SphericalAccumulator.h"
61 #include "DGtal/io/colormaps/HueShadeColorMap.h"
62 #include "DGtal/io/colormaps/CColorMap.h"
63 #include "DGtal/images/ImageContainerBySTLVector.h"
64 #include "DGtal/images/ImageContainerBySTLMap.h"
65 #include "DGtal/images/ConstImageAdapter.h"
66 #include "DGtal/images/ImageAdapter.h"
67 #include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
70 namespace DGtal
71 {
73  // struct Viewer3DFactory
78  template <typename TSpace = Z3i::Space, typename TKSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
79  struct Viewer3DFactory : public Display3DFactory<TSpace,TKSpace>
80  {
82  typedef TSpace Space;
85  typedef TKSpace KSpace;
92  static void
100  static void
108  static void
116  static void
119  //---------------------------------------------------
120  // heritage
121  // SphericalAccumulator
133  template <typename TVector>
134  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::SphericalAccumulator<TVector> & accumulator,
135  const DGtal::Z3i::RealVector & shift = Z3i::RealVector(0,0,0),
136  const double radius=1.0);
137  // SphericalAccumulator
139  // Mesh
145  template <typename TPoint>
146  static void drawAsFaces( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::Mesh<TPoint> & aMesh );
153  template <typename TPoint>
154  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::Mesh<TPoint> & aMesh );
155  // Mesh
159  // StandardDSS6Computer
166  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
167  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::StandardDSS6Computer<TIterator,TInteger,connectivity> & arithm );
174  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
182  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
190  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
192  // StandardDSS6Computer
195  // naive3DDSSComputer
202  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
203  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::Naive3DDSSComputer<TIterator,TInteger,connectivity> & arithm );
210  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
218  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
226  template <typename TIterator, typename TInteger, int connectivity>
228  // Naive3DDSSComputer
231  // DigitalSetBySTLSet
238  template<typename Domain, typename Compare>
239  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLSet<Domain, Compare> & aSet );
246  template<typename Domain, typename Compare>
254  template<typename Domain, typename Compare>
262  template<typename Domain, typename Compare>
270  template<typename Domain, typename Compare>
272  // DigitalSetBySTLSet
274  // DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer
281  template<typename Domain, typename Container>
282  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer<Domain, Container> & aSet );
289  template<typename Domain, typename Container>
297  template<typename Domain, typename Container>
305  template<typename Domain, typename Container>
313  template<typename Domain, typename Container>
315  // DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer
318  // DigitalSetBySTLVector
325  template<typename Domain>
326  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLVector<Domain> & aSet );
333  template<typename Domain>
341  template<typename Domain>
349  template<typename Domain>
357  template<typename Domain>
358  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLVector<Domain> & aSet );
359  // DigitalSetBySTLVector
362  // HyperRectDomain
369  template <typename SpaceDom>
370  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain<SpaceDom> & aDomain );
377  template <typename SpaceDom>
385  template <typename SpaceDom>
386  static void drawAsGrid( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain<SpaceDom> & aDomain );
393  template <typename SpaceDom>
401  template <typename SpaceDom>
402  static void drawAsPaving( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain<SpaceDom> & aDomain );
409  template <typename SpaceDom>
410  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain<SpaceDom> & aDomain );
411  // HyperRectDomain
414  // KhalimskyCell
421  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const typename KSpace::Cell & aCell );
428  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const typename KSpace::Cell & aCell );
429  // KhalimskyCell
432  // Object
439  template <typename TDigitalTopology, typename TDigitalSet>
440  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::Object<TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet> & anObject );
447  template <typename TDigitalTopology, typename TDigitalSet>
455  template <typename TDigitalTopology, typename TDigitalSet>
457  // Object
460  // PointVector
467  template<Dimension dim, typename TComponent, typename TContainer>
468  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const DGtal::PointVector<dim, TComponent, TContainer> & aPoint );
475  template<Dimension dim, typename TComponent, typename TContainer>
483  template<Dimension dim, typename TComponent, typename TContainer>
491  template<Dimension dim, typename TComponent, typename TContainer>
499  template<Dimension dim, typename TComponent, typename TContainer>
508  template<Dimension dim, typename TComponent1, typename TComponent2, typename TContainer1, typename TContainer2>
510  // PointVector
513  // SignedKhalimskyCell
520  static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle( std::string str, const typename KSpace::SCell & aSCell );
527  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const typename KSpace::SCell & aSCell );
528  // SignedKhalimskyCell
530  // GridCurve
536  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::GridCurve<KSpace> & aGrid );
537  // GridCurve
539  // SCellsRange
545  template < typename TIterator, typename TSCell>
546  static void draw( DGtal::Viewer3D<Space, KSpace> & viewer,
548  // SCellsRange
550  // PointsRange
556  template <typename TIterator>
557  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer,
558  const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter<TIterator, functors::SCellToPoint<TKSpace>, typename TKSpace::Point> & aRangeAdapter );
559  // PointsRange
561  // MidPointsRange
567  template <typename TIterator>
568  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer,
569  const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter<TIterator, CanonicSCellEmbedder<TKSpace>, typename TKSpace::Space::RealPoint> & aRangeAdapter );
570  // MidPointsRange
572  // ArrowsRange
578  template <typename TIterator>
579  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space, KSpace> & viewer,
580  const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter<TIterator, functors::SCellToArrow<TKSpace>, std::pair<typename TKSpace::Point, typename TKSpace::Vector > > & aRangeAdapter );
581  // ArrowsRange
583  // InnerPointsRange
589  template <typename TIterator>
590  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer,
591  const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter<TIterator, functors::SCellToInnerPoint<TKSpace>, typename TKSpace::Point> & aRangeAdapter );
592  // InnerPointsRange
594  // OuterPointsRange
600  template <typename TIterator>
601  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer,
602  const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter<TIterator, functors::SCellToOuterPoint<TKSpace>, typename TKSpace::Point> & aRangeAdapter );
603  // OuterPointsRange
605  // IncidentPointsRange
611  template <typename TIterator>
612  static void draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer,
613  const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter<TIterator, functors::SCellToIncidentPoints<TKSpace>,std::pair<typename TKSpace::Point, typename TKSpace::Point > > & aRangeAdapter );
614  // IncidentPointsRange
617  // ImageContainerBySTLVector (2D)
623  template <typename TValue>
625  // ImageContainerBySTLVector (2D)
627  // ImageContainerBySTLMap (2D)
633  template <typename TValue>
635  // ImageContainerBySTLMap (2D)
637  // ConstImageAdapter (2D)
643  template <typename TImageContainer, typename TFunctorD, typename TNewValue, typename TFunctorValue>
645  // ConstImageAdapter (2D)
647  // ImageAdapter (2D)
653  template <typename TImageContainer, typename TFunctorD, typename TNewValue, typename TFunctorValue, typename TFunctorValueVm1>
655  TNewValue, TFunctorValue, TFunctorValueVm1> & anImage );
656  // ImageAdapter (2D)
659  // ImageContainerBySTLVector (3D)
665  template <typename TValue>
667  // ImageContainerBySTLVector (3D)
670  // ImageContainerBySTLMap (3D)
676  template <typename TValue>
678  // ImageContainerBySTLMap (3D)
680  // ConstImageAdapter (3D)
686  template <typename TImageContainer, typename TFunctorD, typename TNewValue, typename TFunctorValue>
688  TNewValue, TFunctorValue> & anImage );
689  // ConstImageAdapter (3D)
691  // ImageAdapter (3D)
697  template <typename TImageContainer, typename TFunctorD, typename TNewValue, typename TFunctorValue, typename TFunctorValueVm1>
699  TNewValue, TFunctorValue, TFunctorValueVm1> & anImage );
700  // ImageAdapter (3D)
710  template < typename TImageType2D, typename TFunctor>
711  static void
712  drawImage2D( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const TImageType2D & anImage, const TFunctor & aFunctor,
713  typename Viewer3D<Space,KSpace>::TextureMode aTextureMode );
722  template < typename TImageType3D, typename TFunctor>
723  static void
724  drawImage3D( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const TImageType3D & anImage3D, const TFunctor & aFunctor,
725  typename Viewer3D<Space,KSpace>::TextureMode aTextureMode );
732  static void
733  draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::SetMode3D & aMode);
740  static void
748  static void
756  static void
757  draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::ClippingPlane & aClipping);
760  // AddTextureImage3DWithFunctor
766  template<typename TImageType, typename TFunctor>
767  static void
769  // AddTextureImage3DWithFunctor
771  // AddTextureImage2DWithFunctor
777  template<typename TImageType, typename TFunctor>
778  static void
780  // AddTextureImage2DWithFunctor
787  static void
795  static void
804  static void
812  static void
820  static void
821  draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> &viewer, const DGtal::Translate2DDomain & anTranslation);
828  template<typename TImageType, typename TFunctor>
829  static void
837  static void
838  draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::TransformedPrism & aTransformedPrism);
845  static void
846  draw( Viewer3D<Space,KSpace> & viewer, const DGtal::SetName3D& aName3d );
855  static void
858  // end heritage
859  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
861  }; // end of struct Viewer3DFactory
863 } // namespace DGtal
867 // Includes inline functions/methods
868 #include "DGtal/io/viewers/Viewer3DFactory.ih"
871 // //
874 #endif // !defined Viewer3DFactory_h
876 #undef Viewer3DFactory_RECURSES
877 #endif // else defined(Viewer3DFactory_RECURSES)
Aim: implements a const image adapter with a given domain (i.e. a subdomain) and 2 functors : g for d...
Aim: model of CConstBidirectionalRange that adapts any range of elements bounded by two iterators [it...
Aim: A wrapper class around a STL associative container for storing sets of digital points within som...
Aim: A container class for storing sets of digital points within some given domain.
Aim: Realizes the concept CDigitalSet by using the STL container std::vector.
Aim: describes, in a cellular space of dimension n, a closed or open sequence of signed d-cells (or d...
Definition: GridCurve.h:173
Aim: Parallelepidec region of a digital space, model of a 'CDomain'.
Aim: implements an image adapter with a given domain (i.e. a subdomain) and 3 functors : g for domain...
Definition: ImageAdapter.h:110
Aim: This class is defined to represent a surface mesh through a set of vertices and faces....
Definition: Mesh.h:92
Aim: Dynamic recognition of a 3d-digital straight segment (DSS)
Aim: An object (or digital object) represents a set in some digital space associated with a digital t...
Definition: Object.h:120
Aim: Implements basic operations that will be used in Point and Vector classes.
Definition: PointVector.h:593
Aim: implements an accumulator (as histograms for 1D scalars) adapted to spherical point samples.
Aim: Dynamic recognition of a 3d-digital straight segment (DSS)
Aim: transforms a signed cell into an arrow, ie. a pair point-vector.
Aim: transforms a signed cell c into a pair of points corresponding to the signed cells of greater di...
Aim: transforms a signed cell c into a point corresponding to the signed cell of greater dimension th...
Aim: transforms a signed cell c into a point corresponding to the signed cell of greater dimension th...
Aim: transforms a scell into a point.
Z3i::SCell SCell
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
class to insert a custom 2D textured image by using a conversion functor and allows to change the def...
class to insert a custom 3D textured image by using a conversion functor and allows to change the def...
CameraDirection class to set camera direction.
CameraPosition class to set camera position.
CameraUpVector class to set camera up-vector.
CameraZNearFar class to set near and far distance.
Aim: A trivial embedder for signed cell, which corresponds to the canonic injection of cell centroids...
Class for adding a Clipping plane through the Viewer3D stream. Realizes the concept CDrawableWithView...
Modifier class in a Display3D stream. Useful to choose your own style for a given class....
Factory for GPL Display3D:
Modifier class in a Display3D stream. Useful to choose your own mode for a given class....
class to modify the position and scale to construct better illustration mode.
class to modify the data of an given image and also the possibility to translate it (optional).
class to modify the position and orientation of an 2D domain.
class to modify the 3d embedding of the image (useful to display not only 2D slice images)....
class to modify the data of an given image and also the possibility to translate it (optional).
class to modify the position and orientation of an textured 2D image.
class to modify the position and orientation of an textured 2D image.
Factory for GPL Viewer3D:
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ImageContainerBySTLVector< DGtal::Z3i::Domain, TValue > &anImage)
static void drawAsGrid(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer< Domain, Container > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const typename KSpace::SCell &aSCell)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter< TIterator, functors::SCellToArrow< TKSpace >, std::pair< typename TKSpace::Point, typename TKSpace::Vector > > &aRangeAdapter)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLSet< Domain, Compare > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::SetName3D &aName3d)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter< TIterator, functors::SCellToInnerPoint< TKSpace >, typename TKSpace::Point > &aRangeAdapter)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain< SpaceDom > &aDomain)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer< Domain, Container > &aSet)
static void drawAsPavingTransparent(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLSet< Domain, Compare > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::CustomColors3D &aColor)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ImageContainerBySTLVector< DGtal::Z2i::Domain, TValue > &anImage)
static void drawAsPaving(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer< Domain, Container > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Mesh< TPoint > &aMesh)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::PointVector< dim, TComponent, TContainer > &aPoint)
static void drawAsFaces(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Mesh< TPoint > &aMesh)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::GridCurve< KSpace > &aGrid)
static void drawAsPaving(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLSet< Domain, Compare > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::CustomStyle3D &aStyle)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::SetSelectCallback3D &aFct)
static void drawAsPaving(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain< SpaceDom > &aDomain)
static void drawAsBoundingBox(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain< SpaceDom > &aDomain)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ClippingPlane &aClipping)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &board, const DGtal::CameraUpVector &aThing)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::PointVector< dim, TComponent, TContainer > &aPoint)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ImageContainerBySTLMap< DGtal::Z2i::Domain, TValue > &anImage)
static void drawAsBalls(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::StandardDSS6Computer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static void drawAsBalls(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Naive3DDSSComputer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &board, const DGtal::CameraPosition &aThing)
static void draw(DGtal::Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter< TIterator, DGtal::functors::Identity, TSCell > &aRangeAdapter)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::PointVector< dim, TComponent1, TContainer1 > &aPoint, const DGtal::PointVector< dim, TComponent2, TContainer2 > &aPoint2)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &board, const DGtal::CameraZNearFar &aThing)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::SphericalAccumulator< TVector > &accumulator, const DGtal::Z3i::RealVector &shift=Z3i::RealVector(0, 0, 0), const double radius=1.0)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::AddTextureImage2DWithFunctor< TImageType, TFunctor, Space, KSpace > &aFunctor)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const typename KSpace::Cell &aCell)
static void drawAsPaving(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLVector< Domain > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ImageAdapter< TImageContainer, DGtal::Z3i::Domain, TFunctorD, TNewValue, TFunctorValue, TFunctorValueVm1 > &anImage)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ConstImageAdapter< TImageContainer, DGtal::Z3i::Domain, TFunctorD, TNewValue, TFunctorValue > &anImage)
static void drawAsPavingWired(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::PointVector< dim, TComponent, TContainer > &aPoint)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLVector< Domain > &aSet)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer< Domain, Container > &aSet)
static void drawImage2D(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const TImageType2D &anImage, const TFunctor &aFunctor, typename Viewer3D< Space, KSpace >::TextureMode aTextureMode)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::StandardDSS6Computer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static void drawAsPaving(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::PointVector< dim, TComponent, TContainer > &aPoint)
static void drawAsPavingBalls(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain< SpaceDom > &aDomain)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ConstImageAdapter< TImageContainer, DGtal::Z2i::Domain, TFunctorD, TNewValue, TFunctorValue > &anImage)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter< TIterator, functors::SCellToPoint< TKSpace >, typename TKSpace::Point > &aRangeAdapter)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &board, const DGtal::CameraDirection &aThing)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Update2DDomainPosition< Space, KSpace > &anUpdate)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &anObject)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::UpdateImageData< TImageType, TFunctor > &anUpdate)
static void drawWithAdjacencies(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &anObject)
static void drawAsGrid(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLSet< Domain, Compare > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter< TIterator, functors::SCellToIncidentPoints< TKSpace >, std::pair< typename TKSpace::Point, typename TKSpace::Point > > &aRangeAdapter)
static void drawAsBoundingBox(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Naive3DDSSComputer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static void drawAsBoundingBox(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::StandardDSS6Computer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static void drawAsPavingTransparent(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLVector< Domain > &aSet)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const typename KSpace::SCell &aSCell)
TKSpace KSpace
KSpace type.
TSpace Space
Space type.
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::TransformedPrism &aTransformedPrism)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ImageContainerBySTLMap< DGtal::Z3i::Domain, TValue > &anImage)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &anObject)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const typename KSpace::Cell &aCell)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::Naive3DDSSComputer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLSet< Domain, Compare > &aSet)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::AddTextureImage3DWithFunctor< TImageType, TFunctor, Space, KSpace > &aFunctor)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter< TIterator, functors::SCellToOuterPoint< TKSpace >, typename TKSpace::Point > &aRangeAdapter)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::SetMode3D &aMode)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const ImageAdapter< TImageContainer, DGtal::Z2i::Domain, TFunctorD, TNewValue, TFunctorValue, TFunctorValueVm1 > &anImage)
static void drawImage3D(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const TImageType3D &anImage3D, const TFunctor &aFunctor, typename Viewer3D< Space, KSpace >::TextureMode aTextureMode)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::StandardDSS6Computer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Naive3DDSSComputer< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity > &arithm)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::UpdateImagePosition< Space, KSpace > &anUpdate)
static void drawAsGrid(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLVector< Domain > &aSet)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain< SpaceDom > &aDomain)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::ConstRangeAdapter< TIterator, CanonicSCellEmbedder< TKSpace >, typename TKSpace::Space::RealPoint > &aRangeAdapter)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::Translate2DDomain &anTranslation)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::UpdateLastImagePosition< Space, KSpace > &anUpdate)
static DGtal::DrawableWithViewer3D * defaultStyle(std::string str, const DGtal::DigitalSetBySTLVector< Domain > &aSet)
static void drawAsGrid(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::HyperRectDomain< SpaceDom > &aDomain)
static void draw(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::UpdateImage3DEmbedding< Space, KSpace > &anUpdate)
static void drawAsGrid(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::PointVector< dim, TComponent, TContainer > &aPoint)
static void drawAsPavingTransparent(Viewer3D< Space, KSpace > &viewer, const DGtal::DigitalSetByAssociativeContainer< Domain, Container > &aSet)
MyPointD Point
Definition: testClone2.cpp:383
KSpace::Cell Cell
const Point aPoint(3, 4)
PointVector< 3, double > RealPoint